I played in a Balinese ensemble, a little four-pitch sledro-tuned set. I really really really really wish I could have played in a pelog-tuned Javanese set, but realize that I was darn lucky to get to experience any gamelan at all.
Basically, though the original track doesn't have a "proper" gong cycle I can hear (I'm guessing that had more to due with old school channel limiting than anything else), I would like to incorporate one in my remix. So basically, I need two of those deeper, full-size gongs - one higher than the other, but none of that splashy tam-tam styled business that one usually relates as a "gong" sound. If they weren't like two grand to buy on a good day, I would love just to have one in my home. I love how you -feel- a good gong almost more than you hear it.
(If any of that didn't make sense to anyone curious, I'm beyond happy to translate).
I'm using some fun substitute sounds for the rest of the set up, though, not necessary traditional gamelan fare. I've got my happy birthday glockenspiel that I begged for, a line played on tuned wine glasses (I've recorded it with both hard and soft rubber mallets, not sure if the latter will make it into the mix but it gives me options!), some rubbed glasses making some drone sounds I like (and in places they might perhaps give me a sub for a gong ring), and I'm thinking about tooting on some beer bottles. It lets me use some of the traditional texture, but gives me something to experiment with too.
I could yap about this for hours, but hopefully that gives you a sense of what I'm up to! Thanks for all of the advice! I have a lot of reading up to do on using samples in Pro Tools, so much to learn!!!