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  1. I don't know if this would help, as I've never dealt with MIDI importing in Max, but just to throw it out there: If MIDI events in your input have channel numbers attached to them, you might be able to use the [midiparse] object along with [select] objects to separate them based on channel. Though that deals with real-time MIDI events (e.g. MIDI controller input), and I have no clue if imported MIDI files behave the same way... You might be able to get [poly~] to do something like that too.
  2. I managed to solve the problem by just simply pressing the Key Trig button. I feel kind of silly now. Though now I'm experiencing a similar issue with the Mod Envelope...
  3. So I'm trying to make a Combinator patch which features a Thor patch which has a tempo-synced LFO connected to an arpeggiator. It looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/jY0rJ.jpg Basically, I'm hearing a kind of unpleasant "popping" sound on occasion at the beginning of notes. It sounds like the reason for it is that the LFO's randomized step changes, despite being allegedly synced to the 16th-note like the arpeggiator, aren't quite lining up with the arpeggiator's note triggers. And indeed, removing the LFO2-to-Filter2X and LFO2-to-Filter2Y entries causes the problem to go away (but makes the patch a lot less interesting, of course). Does anyone know of a way to fix this?
  4. I'm a newbie who's never made a full piece myself, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but... I really like your instrumentation and I think you've filled your soundscape very well. To make it even better, I feel like the biggest thing you could do is make your voices evolve more. While the balance of voices changes a lot throughout as the melody does, it feels more repetitive than it would otherwise because you reuse voices a lot (for example, it sounds to me like your different leads throughout the song are very similar). In particular, I feel like the beginning could use some of this as it feels very abrupt to me. The buildup into the main melody would also be a lot stronger if the instruments themselves evolved alongside the instrumentation. But again, great work!
  5. Thanks, again, for all the advice, guys. You're awesome. I'll keep at it, and if I ever end up with something not too horrible, I'll post it to the WIP forums
  6. Hey there OCR. I'm ravendew, and I'm a complete newb who wants to learn to make some music. I have Reason now and a keyboard I can work with, and I read most of the Guides section. I have some music theory experience and I know what everything on a synthesizer does from a theory standpoint. But I've never written music, and have certainly never done anything like this before. So I'm asking for any beginner tips anyone's willing to spare. A few particular questions I have are: Which is it better to start with as a beginner - video game remixes or original works? Does it matter? As a beginner, should I be looking to take the time to program the sounds I want in a synthesizer (even though it'll take me a while as I'm new) or should I start by just using the preset patches included with Reason? Any tips on how to structure one's workflow? I've listened to a lot of electronic music but am generally fairly ignorant as to song structures, and am finding it kind of difficult to structure my attempts so far. Any tips on this? Thanks in advance for any help.
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