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Posts posted by zegota

  1. I'm halfway through the album... a little dissapointed by now, was expecting a bigger album in fact i thought this was some alternative unknown project to me...

    Very sad to hear only 1 second of Fishy's song, i think that's some kind of broken link or something.

    Congrats for the launch anyway, sorry for the poor feedback.

    Edit: Oh... i think i now get this... -_-

    All the best works of art take some time to truly understand.

  2. I'm not vilifying Kickstarter, I just don't understand how they don't have enough control over their own system to not be able to reinstate cancelled projects with a new deadline. Especially if said project has been service-ticketed within the lifetime of the original deadline.

    They take a pretty percentage for not doing a lot as it stands.

    Exactly. It shouldn't be difficult to change "status=" from "inactive" to "active," and "deadline=" to whatever the new deadline will be. But apparently their code is a pile of spaghetti. Oh well, onward and upward.

  3. I've got another "non-update update" - trust me, I'm more frustrated than anyone else. Basically, the ball is now in Kickstarter's court. We're trying to communicate with them but we have to go through their support desk, which thus far hasn't been as speedy as we'd prefer.

    Very interesting that the issue is now with Kickstarter and not Square-Enix. If they're really being that hardheaded, there are always other options ... indiegogo, for instance, as well as others. Though I'm sure you all know that :-)

    Looking forward to the eventual resolution! In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how to mod the new PC release of FF7 with VotL music.

  4. Kickstarter's not a "cover our server expenses" fundraiser site, dude. It's for people that need money to fund putting their "innovative ideas!" into reality; Ouya is a perfect example. It's to "kick start" an idea/invention/whatever.

    Yeah, yeah. Kickstarter has evolved. Obviously this one existed mostly to cover expenses for the FFVI physical album, but if you think none of that money was going to go to expenses for OCR at-large, I'd say you're fooling yourself. And yes, there is precedence for this, the most obvious example being the Penny-Arcade Kickstarter which is apparently a yearly fundraiser to cover business expenses and which got a big ol' thumbs up from the Kickstarter admins. It's my feeling and experience that Kickstarter doesn't really care too much what you do with it as long as you're not breaking laws or making them look bad, especially since they make money off of all successful Kickstarters.

  5. Money changing hands, changes everything. .

    But money has already changed hands. Why do you think the people have donated to OCR in the past? Does it have nothing to do with the remixes of copyrighted works hosted there? Of course it does, it would be absurd to suggest otherwise.

    So I suppose you could say that OCR should have asked for a license just because of the level of scrutiny when compared to the other remixes (although I dislike that you call them "free," since it's implying the FFVI remixes weren't. That's false. The FFVI remixes were to be posted completely free as well). But saying that there was some sort of legal or moral imperative for a license in this case that didn't exist for standalone remixes or previous albums is flat out unsupportable, in my opinion. If a license is required for this project, it's required for every single remix on the site. And although I guess it's nice if Square-Enix grants them permission to continue the Kickstarter, it's a fairly worrying precedent since they (or any other IP holder) could easily require that for all remixes in general.

  6. I'm gonna be honest, all the "Why didn't OCR get a license, how stupid are they?" people are really pissing me off. Not least of which because it should be (and arguably is) legal to create derivative works, but because this applies equally to any other remix. Seriously, how many of you remixers have talked to Square-Enix or any other IP holder before submitting a remix?

    If you think the fact that they were raising money off of this makes it somehow different, well, legally, you're incorrect. The law in many cases doesn't really differentiate between giving a way a derivative work or selling it. Add to that the fact that OCR holds fundraisers (which was exactly what this was) based on the love of the music on the site, and it means that this Kickstarter is exactly the same as all the other fundraisers (differing only in the tools used to offer it). So, anyone saying "OCR should have to get a license, the original artists should be respected," and yet isn't doing that for their own work or demanding that for the individual remix submissions is acting fairly hypocritically in my view. IMO, everything OCR has done is completely legal and above the board. Of course, "legal" doesn't mean you're immune from anything when dealing with a massive corporation.

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