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Posts posted by Blueearth

  1. I was under the impression that there were certain spells, mainly the later ones that they don't give you till the very end, that just won't go off until they are the "star" of the show, meaning that it is the only majorly graphical thing going on at the time. And if there is another spell in the process, it is more than willing to wait until the stage is free. I know for a fact that I've done multiple -ara and -aga spells while I've had to wait forever while on the other hand my guys take turns being wasted and trying to cast flare. it was really depressing to me that you couldn't just mass flare and all those other mean spells.

    In summary, I don't think it matters too much whether you are in active or wait mode, but that it's the type of spells you cast that determine that crazy wait time.

    Well I think it is all about the active vs. wait. Check on the Game Mechanics FAQ.

  2. Lack of a coherent story hurt a lot with FFXII as I see it. Things just happen and it's hard to connect with the situation since so little of it is explained. And the license board thing was a bit silly since lot of it simply increased the grind and the game wasn't any more or less customizable with the characters as they leveled up. It may as well have been the traditional "level up then get your spells and benefits" deal and it would've played out similarly to having the license board there.

    I'm pretty sure it's because the game engine can't handle it. It's funny when enemies are wailing on me and my characters are standing around like statues for their spells to load up. If there's more than two spells going off for some reason, the game lags noticeably.

    The problem is that there are almost no twists in the story to speak of, no real personal input for the majority of the game in terms of dialogue and insight. Even FF4's cornball story had way more insight and back story for its characters.

    My understanding is that multiple spells go off at once if you have it on Active Battle mode instead of Wait. Can anyone confirm/deny?

  3. Beat the game, saw the ending. Pretty satisfying, all things considered. Started a new game, with the intention of ensuring I will never curse another foe. I will level like crazy so I'll never lose...

    But I just died fighting the Flowering Cactoid. Sigh.

    What types of things will you do in a new game that you didn't do the first time around? I'm 80 hours in and I am not sure that I would replay.

  4. Oh I have a question! *edit make that 2 q's* What's an effective Poaching setup? Just turn on everyone's gambit and make sure that they poach at HP crit? And then I have gotta find this OST, nice music. Especially Westersands...

  5. Need cash fast? Check into cash! no, really, Zombies are a good way to farm. Festering Flesh, Forbidden Flesh. Zarinthian Caverns is the best. About 10 of them spawn where adrammeloch was. Or if you a little beffier (and have 1000 needles) try the deadlands. They drops good stuff too near the summit of hope with the Robolon Hunt. but be careful. Zombies are the best way to farm. After level 60 though, Wyrms in the Cerrobi Steppe are the best. Wyrm Liver for 1468 gil? x99? Lots o cash. also. steal from things all the time.

    And I noticed that you can sometimes steal bloody necklaces from those zombies which sell for 1500 :P

  6. I was really dissappointed in the Espers. I found them utterly useless. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I tend to use Summons in games when I need help against a really tough enemy, but when I summon the FF 12 espers, they either died before I could even do anything to buff them up, or my lone party character got taken out before the Summon could cause any real damage. Am I alone in feeling the Espers were seriously gimped?

    Belias was overpowered when I first got him, but after that, they haven't done a whole hell of a lot.

  7. You killed it to fill out your bestiary.

    I find it very funny that I am 65 hours into the game with less than half my bestiary filled. Does that count the 80 rare monsters? I've only run across 7 or 8. My favorite so far is Wary Wolf, because of the name, the ease of locating him, and the fact that he drops prime pelts and arcana.

  8. So with a Niloapahoa (sp?) Gil Snapper was cake. I mean he was literally dead within a minute. That's the best item ever.. but do you guys think it's too cheap? I just beat Mindflayer and Atomos and I have about 16 or so hunts done, with chars at 35.

  9. This may have been discussed earlier, but anyone want to share strategies on Gil Snapper? I had him down to a sliver, then he went into a disablega and blizzaga rage, and yeah I was toast. I think that I need to equip everyone with black belts to prevent Disable. Thoughts anyone?

    (massive bump)

  10. Okay, any discussion of non-video games had damn well better approach German board games. Carcassonne is still one of the funnest games I've ever played. If you have not tried it do so.

    Settlers of Catan & variants FTW. I have a colleague who hosts gaming nights every so often and our favorites are usually Settlers and Puerto Rico.

  11. Yes, I know the discussion is about HARD bosses, but what about for (easy)...

    DRACULA in SOTN? I mean, my god, my friends have seen me sit there with a Crissegrim and a Rune sword and beat the living sh*t out of Dracy. You just stand there and see nothing but 999 999 999 pop up all over the place.. anyways.. Hardest boss? I didn't particularly like the executioner in Skies of Arcadia, and some of those bounty fights were kinda rough... bounties level up with you. I'll post more when I think of more hardest bosses ;)


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