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    Bristol, England
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  1. I can't offer any constructive criticism as I only come here to listen to the remixes. But I would like to say I love it Try a longer version. Now, if only someone would remix Terrible Beat from this game. And the boss theme from ESWAT - City Under Siege.
  2. Just wondering if You've heard this version before; in comparison, this one feels a lot more powerful than Yours, I think Your mix would sound brilliant with that little bit of fierceness too. But I am a noob, and You are the master of Your own track, so go go, make Me and the rest of the OC community a Soul Reaver song to remember!
  3. I can't offer any criticism or help You as I'm not musically talented. But I created an account just to say I have been waiting FOREVER for someone to remix this song. I'm surprised it hasn't been done before! I sure hope You finish this, it's a beautiful piece, the original and I'd love to see at least one amazing Ozar Midrashim mix up on this site! Good luck! You are officially a legend.
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