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Everything posted by gillstudio

  1. Thank you! Yes, I will definitely mess around with the snare and try out some new techniques.. I was kind of wanting that tight, non-roomy sound for the guitars, honestly, but maybe I didn't execute it in the most effective way.. And yes, the guitars were a bit muddy on the fast parts.. That was probably mostly due to my poor playing Thank you for the kind words!
  2. Very true.. I fall into the same trap... Especially when I feel I have very little knowledge in the first place.. But I am going to try and contribute whenever I can.. Thank you for the kind words! After a second listen, I completely agree with you on the cymbals. They sound rather fake and don't seem to match the rest of the mix.. My ears tend to block out any frequencies over 10k for some reason I will definitely give that distortion tip a try.. Sometimes overly compressed cymbals can also sound pretty good too, IMO.. Not sure I agree about the bass guitar, but I will mess around with it in the future.. Maybe less side-chain compression with the drums would help bring it out a little more.. And yes, I have never been COMPLETELY happy with my lead tone ever.. It's always been a push n' pull between too bright or too flat.. I tend to lean towards the "too flat" side these days, I suppose.. Thank you for all the thoughts and advice! Much appreciated.
  3. Hey man, great job! I The fade-in with the piano was a nice touch. A few points of critique: I felt like some the notes on the keyboard could have been held out a little longer to sound more natural.. But obviously, that's up to personal taste and opinion. Also, I feel the lead tone could have better. It sounded a little harsh and bare to my ears.. Maybe try focusing less on the high 'trebly' sound and bring out some more of the mids and possibly add a bit more reverb and help it sit in the mix better. Just my humble opinion.. Overall, good job! I'm liking it
  4. Anyone? Critiques and criticisms are completely welcome..
  5. Hey! Recently recorded a remix of the boss battle theme from Persona 4, so I thought I'd get some of your opinions on it! I ended up sticking rather close to the source for the most part, aside from the random breakdown halfway though (which you may notice was influenced by "Backside of the TV" from the OST). Please let me know what you think! YouTube: SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/gillstudio/persona-4-ill-face-myself-boss
  6. UPDATE: I changed the symphonic samples. I think it sounds significantly better than before... There are also a few minor tweaks... More critiques are welcome! WIP 2: http://soundcloud.com/gillstudio/final-fantasy-vi-battle
  7. Thanks for the feedback! @ More improv/soloing could be cool, but my playing/composition skills are very poor... @I agree with you about the intro... I will most likely change it. About the synth strings... Can anyone recommend a good sample library?
  8. Thanks! I can see what you are talking about with the bass, I'm just not sure how plausible it is to "make it more audible" with the number of instruments in the mix... Hmmm, I'll see what I can do...
  9. Hey, I decided to give this classic tune a go... yes, a little cliche', I know... I'm pretty "green around the gills", so any critiques/suggestions are welcome... Source: Remix_WIP_1: http://soundcloud.com/gillstudio/final-fantasy-vi-battle-theme Remix_WIP_2: http://soundcloud.com/gillstudio/final-fantasy-vi-battle
  10. I did a little work on the original track (keeping in consideration all the advice you people gave)... I wasn't going for "perfect", I just want to know if you guys think that, as a whole, this is better than before... http://soundcloud.com/gillstudio/final-fantasy-victory-1
  11. Thanks, DusK. I'll give that a try...
  12. Thanks guys! I'll keep these things in mind as I keep practicing... How would you suggest strengthening the lead tone without overpowering the rest of the mix?...
  13. Hey guys, I'm new to the forums and wanted some critique on my first attempt at mastering with Izotope Ozone 5... The actual arrangement is rather boring, but that's not what I'm worried about. The overall sound is what I'm worried about right now... I've only been mixing / recording for about a year now, so please keep that in mind... Any critiques are much appreciated...
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