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Posts posted by JoeFu

  1. I've been watching the second trailer for SSBB, and I keep noticing this: Zero Suit Samus seems to be a clone of Sheik. There's one part where she performs three of Sheik's moves in a row on Link. First the down power, then the forward power, then the down smash. I also notice that her second jump looks much like Sheiks. Another thing I saw was she seems to be very vertically and not so horizontally oriented in her air movement, just like Sheik. Maybe Sheik will still be in the game, or maybe Zero Suit Samus will replace her? It makes sense: Zero Suit Samus has a whip that could be like Sheik's chain. Her gun may replace Sheik's needle storm. Of course, I expect that she will have more than one attack with each aspect of her weapon, but it seems that she will be largely derived from the move set of Sheik.

    I hope Shiek is gone and we get the awesome Zelda from TP with all her weapons..

  2. The game has only really been delayed once. It was supposed to come out at the Wii launch, but they delayed it. They never gave a set date after that. Anyways, Retro can take their time with it. Metroid Prime 1 and 2 were freaking awesome and I hope Prime 3 will be even awesomer.

  3. Well reading neogaf (that place is great for news) and looking at the scans of RE:UE, the game looks awesome, its crazy, too bad it's on rails, game could still be good though.

    Anyways, RE4 Wii should be discount price as it is going to be in Japan. It comes out the end of May in Japan.

    Also, I think I might get this. My bro only rented RE4, so now we have a chance to own it and play all the extra stuff from the PS2 version.

  4. When was it said that Brawl was supposed to be at launch?

    What I've read from the smashbros website (Sakurai talks about how the game came to be) . When Nintendo unvieled the Wii, Iwata said that Smash Bros was going to be online at launch, but the thing is it was never Brawl. The game was supposed to be Melee with just an online function. Iwata didn't get Sakurai to make Brawl until a few days into E3 and it was thanks to our Zelda man Eji Aonuma who convinced him to make Brawl.

  5. I finally beat MP2 last month, such an awesome game. I think I'm going to replay MP just because I forgot how awesome that game was.

    Also, I beat Paper Mario 2 last week just to gear myself up for SPM even though they aren't even the same type of game. I hope the writing in SPM is even better than the writing in PM:TTYD. Ahhhhh, only one week. SUPER PAPER MARIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I won't believe that thing. If that was formal, I'm pretty sure that Nintendo would have announced it already. And way to post stuff from a few weeks ago...

    Most likely the email was from some guy whose job is to make replies to emails sent from fans who wonder whats going on. I doubt those guys have a clue what Japan wants to do with the Wii's online infrastructure. I won't put much trust into NOA unless someone like Iwata says the same thing because NOA is just here because it has to be.

    And if friend codes are the way... oh well. I don't care, its just a few numbers.

  7. No, not wierd huh, awesome huh.

    i buy that magazine

    i went to a ssbm tournament hosted by them too

    Haha, I thought of you when I saw that a portugese magazine had that stuff. You be the only portugal guy i know on teh intarwebs.

    Well, I HOpe Sega puts the original on the game because of all the people who didn't have a Saturn would get a chance to play the game. I just watched some youtube video of the game and it looked like a blast to play.

  8. I'm hoping adventure mode will be character specific, or at least series specific. I also hope it is more fleshed out this time, like longer levels or something. It was really fun playing the first level on adventure mode, but the Zelda one sucked.

  9. TOSE is still better than Ubisoft.

    And I would think that TOSE will be working more on the DS version.

    Did you really miss the point of that post entirely, or are you ranting for other reasons?

    also awesome != not that bad

    What? The game wasn't good because of the development. That's what I meant. A game that has Japan with swords and guns can still be a good game. It depends on who makes it.

  10. i like guns

    i like swords

    i like japan

    red steel had three things i like and yet it still wasn't awesome

    Red Steel was also a rush job and it wasnt that bad anyways. And Ubisoft didn't have an allstar team of Sega and (mostly) Nintendo making the game. Ubisoft is also looking retarded with their crappy ports on the Wii. It's really weird seeing EA put the most effort into the system.

  11. SSB is like the definition of pure fun.

    The game is timeless and the franchise will live on to be a classic. Just for fun my friend and I popped in the original just to see it in action again. It was freaking fun. SSBM is also freaking fun. I have no doubt that SSBB will be just as fun.

    I hope in SSBB they bring back the character specific introductions again. Seeing Samus walk out of a save pod, or pikachu flying out of a pokeball was freaking awesome.

  12. If this game adds the depth that wii sports was missing, I will be all over this game. Olympics are made up of many events. I just hope Sega doesn't screw it up, but I doubt Nintendo would let Sega ruin Mario.

    Wii sports was lacking in a lot of departments and if this game just improves on wii sports, this game will be freaking awesome.

    Also I heard the old SEGA developed Olympic games are really fun and are just good games overall, so there is hope that sega won't kill this thing.

  13. i like the olympics

    i like mario

    i like sonic

    this game has three things i like and will therefore be awesome

    Pretty much axle.

    I don't get the hate for a game that has not even shown anything yet. All I know is, Miyamoto supervising the thing and actually is in charge of the direction of the game means that this game will be above average. Reports even have it that Miyamoto is having a bigger role in the development of this game than any other game he usually supervises in. Seriously, wtf is with the lol wii sux i shuld not buy it. But whatever.

    I just hope the game will be pretty fun. I mean this is pretty big news. SONIC AND MARIO in the same game. Hopefully this is the start of a wonderful relationship. Maybe Nintendo will get to use Sonic in their games and create a Mario and Sonic platforming game (which would be too awesome).

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