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  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Got another song to throw in with this batch. The Not So Abandoned Castle The same location as the prior, now even more dangerous than before. This is the build-up to the final show down. A little quirk I thought to use for these songs was that the more dangerous an area is, or the more tension exists in the area due to recent events(in villages), the more synth instruments are used, up until the entire song is composed of synthetic instruments.
  2. Here are a couple of pieces from a hypothetical ARPG that's been buzzing around in my head for a while. Village A peaceful small town song. Forest A theme for a dark forest concealing... Abandoned Castle An old castle now teaming with all sorts of monsters. What do you think?
  3. This is my latest song: Twisting Passage I wanted to make a more bass and harmony driven song for a change, this was the result. It uses three instruments from the GM patchset that came along with the VOPM. I used operator volume control to manipulate the sound slightly in places, adding dynamic to them. VOPM is my baby, and I want to do more with it. I'm also fairly certain that the song itself would work on actual Genesis hardware, baring the removal of the operator manipulation, but I'm no expert on the subject.
  4. I've been a member of this forum for about a year and a half, and I guess I was rather afraid to post much of anything around here. Time to fix that. These songs are meant to blend the classic FM synthesis of the Genesis with some more modern processing and believable instruments(Not real, however). I also have some remixes in here. They're songs from the same set, and I felt it'd be a bit spammy, and even unnecessary to make those two their own thread. Viridian Valley The traditional first stage. Green fields and hills with an ocean view. Space Drive Probably a traditional final stage, or near-final stage. Actually a sort-of remix of Sonic 3/& Knuckles' Death Egg Zone. Violet Lock A mid-stage industrial plant, warehouse, or prison. Crystal Horizon Another mid-stage. Was intending it to be a sort of wide open crystal cavern of sorts, but it developed a life of it's own and became a sort of winter carnival instead. Autumn Woods This one doesn't really say "Sonic!" to me, but I have it here, none the less. I wanted it to sort of come off as a dense, dark forest. It developed some horror undertones as it came along. Black Space This is an obvious remix of Space Queens by Chris Senn. That's all for now!
  5. Hello! I go by Alestance on the interwebs. I've been writing music for a very short time, and have no real professional music training. I've come here because the style I've developed while learning seems to be influenced from classic music from the 8 and 16 bit era console games, with a bit of 80s pop and rock. I write at least one song every day, usually experimenting, not always top quality work, but I strive to improve with each song. Granted I am incapable of remixing all that well, or playing instruments.
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