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Posts posted by Rast

  1. Can't give you much' date=' as I never was much of a musician let alone arranger, but let's see... the sound that comes in at 0:55 felt really out of place to me with its first note; the notes that came after were okay, but something about the first note didn't gel quite right. Also, I didn't hear all that much of "If You Still Believe," which I assume is the "song from the opening cutscene" you were referring to, in it - it could be you were arranging an odd section of the song that I wasn't really noticing, though.[/quote']

    Yeah, the note was intentionally "off" sounding, though I tried to keep it reasonable. As far as If You Still Believe goes, I didn't arrange anything from it. When I said "opening cutscene", I meant the one that plays as you start the game, while you watch Celes as it's attacked. I couldn't find a name for it anywhere.

    I am not a fan of 1:03 - 1:21. Maybe you could keep the bass sound there, but have something higher pitched play the tune that you have beginning at 1:03 so it isn't so broken up. Experiment with that because from what I'm hearing, the melody is odd (and that's probably how it is in the source too).

    Yeah, that's probably my least favorite section. I've had a bit of trouble with it, but I'm trying to smooth the transition a bit, and give it a little bit of a melody.

  2. I used to do mixes and arrangements and such, long ago. They were pretty bad ones, granted, both due to lack of skills and poor production. I composed them in Noteworthy Composer, and then used Synthfont to convert them to MP3. Needless to say, that didn't result in the best quality.

    Now that I've gotten my hands on a copy of both Reason and FL Studio, I figure it's time I started up again, and hopefully with better results. So I've undertaken this little project, what essentially boils down to a Legend of Dragoon concept album(for lack of a better term).

    The first track, titled "My Village In Ruins", is an arrangement of the intro song(played during the opening cutscene) and Dart's theme. It's "done", but I still consider it a WIP, as I'm actively making changes to it. So here it is:


    I plan to eventually do a full arrangement, based on the game. The next track(a heavy WIP, still being planned) is planned to use themes from Helena Prison, Battle, Boss and Shana's Theme.

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