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  1. Had to go back and take a look at the Dota rooster for the first time in a long while and after doing so I got to admit that it might have been wrong in my previous post. As I previously mentioned I did the transition from Dota to HoN like 2 years ago and since then all the game changes has grown on to me. But looking back at the Dota rooster I now remember that it was the selection of heroes that they chose to port to HoN rather than the spell adjustments ( of which, I realised there hasn't been that many after all ) that first struck me as a bit dull and backwards striving. At that time Dota seemed to be at a point where the developers were constantly trying to come up with new cool hero concepts that was just getting more and more advanced. You had interesting heroes like morphling, geomancer, phantomlancer and, to take an extreme example, invoker. And HoN, while it still for many reasons was the next natural step, kinda put an end to that neat development by not only porting relatively simple heroes but also creating their own heroes by a similar formula. Today when one's a little bit more familiar with the competitive scene it doesn't take much to realise that many of those old Dota heroes wouldn't work in real tournaments etc. Still one can't help but getting a tad bit nostalgic while thinking back at the inovativity behind some of those old Dota heroes and therefore wonder to what extent we can expect Dota 2 to deliver innovative yet competively viable solutions and take the genre to new levels.
  2. New guy here trying to jump straight into the subject. See, I played Dota back in the days before HoN came out so say about 2 years ago or something. And what I saw happening quite quickly with HoN was how many of the fancy Dota spell mechanics were replaced with more simple solutions ( plain stuns and slows for example ) to go better with the competitive scene. So what I've been kinda wondering is if the Dota 2 team has been making the same adjustments. I guess it could come of as a stupid question seeing as they probably wouldn't go far without these adjustments. It's just that I've seen some of/most of the heroes they're going to include in the game and let's just say that some choices are quite surprising and, at least at first thought, a bit hard to imagine on the competitive scene.
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