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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
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  1. Hello everyone, I feel like a machine with a strong processor and a fast sound card is whats needed let alone at least 4GB of ram My setup as follows: Processor: Hyper Threaded Quad Core Intel i7 950 (3.06 Ghz) Memory: 12GB DDR3RAM Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-X58A Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 6970 Sound Card: M-AUDIO Fast Track Pro DAW: FL Studio I have no issues with any performance problems to date. I built this machine myself. If you know what you're doing building yourself is the best way. [=
  2. Thanks, Rozovian. Seems like I'll just keep this tucked away in the record box for personal enjoyment and private parties. Thanks again man, Much appreciated, -JT
  3. Hey guys, this is really cool and I'd love to jump aboard this project. I have just recently finished the "Lost Woods" theme. Check it out: http://soundcloud.com/user4393066/zelda-lost-woods-jt-remix I'd love to do more work with the Zelda series and have a colab if anyone is interested. -JT
  4. Thanks, Rockos. Will have a second listen ;D
  5. DJ FRIENDLY Full Track COMPLETE Zelda - Lost Woods (JT Remix) http://soundcloud.com/user4393066/zelda-lost-woods-jt-remix Enjoy
  6. I love it, this is great, and this needs to be on the site. ;D Fantastic job bruv. Love the pianos, and the strings with all the random synth shots. Great arrangement.
  7. Haha, agreed mate. I get discouraged easily I guess. It dosen't seem like the genre of music I remix in gets accepted too often and mixes with guitars, or rock influences get accepted a lot easier. I try and incorporate a bit of everything in a mix. Oh, and my arguing statement is, some people are gifted and their music just "Ticks" or you know people. [= Much respect Rozovian. In fact I'm about to put my Lost woods remix up for mod review this upcoming week. It's DJ Friendly so a lengthy Drum/bass intro and outro is included. Piece and peace, -JT
  8. I'm no mod, but I work with this genre a lot. I like it. I heard no high synths splitting my head open. (Beats Audio Headphones/Pioneer DJM 800 mixer). Sound FX are nice. What I would do is level out the sounds a bit more and make it sound a bit more even. Love the piano. All in all this is great. I enjoyed the listen. Listen to it in depth and have a play about with the mixing. This is talent. Keep it up. Seems like people needs a Masters in Audio Tech or engineering to get stuff successfully submitted and accepted on here. lol Possibly colab sometime mate, -JT ;D
  9. Ok, so with everyone's help, critique, and advice, I'm getting close to putting the lid on this track. It's sounds good to me and was a lot of fun to work with. Very glad I got some good feedback on here and everyone enjoyed the listen. Small edits will be made with the outro. this is DJ FRIENDLY with mix in and mix out sections. Thanks to you all once again. Cheers, -JT http://soundcloud.com/user4393066/lost-woods-jt-remix-final
  10. Alright thanks man. I know it takes time to type up these reviews, but it is GREATLY appreciated. This is however, a DJ FRIENDLY remix with 32 beat intro kicks and a drawn out outro. I'll try and see what I can do about mixing things up a bit with the melody. Can't let it get to busy or mixing becomes quite difficult. I'll see what I can fade around to mix this up a bit.
  11. Ok, so I've mixed the Kick and Bass a bit nicer into the mix (Still needs some work on the break), and added a couple of vocal effects from the game so it has more of a Zelda feel to it. I'm adding a softer kick and ride from 2:11-2:22 to as well aid in the build up. I feel the previous one was way to punchy for the buildup I'm looking for. This track is about 80% complete, because I have simply run out of ideas for this =/. All in all I think this is turning out well and most of all, fun. Please leave comments. I do listen and apply. Haha PS: I added a guitar playing an improved, melody for a short bit near the center. I'm not to sure about it. Thanks, -JT Lost woods http://soundcloud.com/user4393066/lost-woods-update-no-4
  12. Sounds pretty good man. Left a few comments on the sound cloud post. -JT
  13. Thanks DarkSim. What sounds did you notice become muddy during the busy parts? And yea, any ideas on how to change the melodies any more than I have? (I suck at this BAD). Tried to add new things without taking away the original feel of the track being remixed. Once again thanks heaps. All is taken into practice, -JT
  14. Updates have been made. Wrote a new intro section to blend into the break. No mastering and just basic mixing done so far. [= http://soundcloud.com/user4393066/lost-woods-wip-3 Comments appreciated. Cheers, -JT
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