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Everything posted by Jamish

  1. Yeah, percussion is never my strong point. Other than the crash cymbals, I think I only have 3 or 4 percussion samples in this song. Is it an issue of the samples I chose, or not using enough different samples, or not making varied enough beats?
  2. FL Studio 10. Used some 3xOsc and PoiZone synths I made, FLSlayer, and some modified Sytrus presets. I used the Hardcore guitar amp plugin, too. Other effects were just your standard FL Studio EQ or limiter stuff. Come to think of it, I probably didn't change the Sytrus synths too far from the presets like I meant to. I just ended up liking the way it all sounded.
  3. Hello all. I've posted a WIP here before and got a lot of useful feedback, so once again I'm looking for some constructive criticism, harsh or not, on my latest remix. It's a mashup of the SR388 theme of Metroid II (GB) with Bowser's Road from Super Mario 64 (N64). You can hear a wee bit of Metroid Prime in there, too. Please let me know what you think. http://tindeck.com/listen/fduo Sources:
  4. I've been hard at work at overhauling most of the synths, added some parts, and changing some effects. Let me know what you guys think of the changes. Entirely new synths for the lead and those harpsichord/xylophone instruments. Replaced the orchestral hit, too. As per @pokemoneinstein's suggestion, going for a chiptune feel made it much better IMO. The bassline has a low-pass cutoff that is faded out for the intro. Added "slide up/down" sounds during a build. Gave the main synth some notes when the percussion first cuts out. Same notes show up in the outro, too. Added a piano part at the end. Tried to humanize the note timing/velocity Enhanced the stereo of some instruments Random EQ, volume changes, filter levels, etc. http://tindeck.com/listen/fzmk (Revision 2)
  5. @pokemoneinstein: Thanks, I'll look into changing the harpsichord-like instrument and experiment a bit. As for the xyolophone-like one, it doesn't sound bad to me but I'll play around with it, at least to make it less plucky. @Lampje4life: I'll see what I can do with the lead synth, maybe I just need to pick a new one altogether. Did any EQ problems jump out at you in particular? I'll keep working here and post an updated version soon.
  6. I lowered the wetness of the reverb, and it sounds much cleaner. I increased the upper frequencies of the kick, and that seemed to improve some clarity by adding a little "clickiness." What instruments sound like harps/xylophones to you? Is it the part that comes on at around 0:48? Thanks for the feedback so far, I appreciate you listening.
  7. First WIP posted here. None of my friends are willing or able to give me constructive criticism, which sucks because I want to improve. This is my first real attempt at mastering (I'm using FL Studio). I can tell something is "off" in terms of the overall sound of it, but I don't know what to change. Please, give me criticism, even if it's harsh http://tindeck.com/listen/ucdq http://tindeck.com/listen/fzmk (Revision 2) EDIT: Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dst3ST2qCxA
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