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Everything posted by NerdMeech

  1. Looking forward to hearing that OA.
  2. I agree, this game has brilliant music. There are maaany examples; like: and Run Sword Fighter Run There are quite a few great tracks on this game.
  3. Sound pretty good so far. I like it, I like it!
  4. My name is Demetrius, but I go by NerdMeech; and I have been lurking this website for a loonng time. I dunno what took me soo long to gather the courage to join the forum; but I finally got around to it. I love the music that comes from this site and the love for just videogames and their music period. For now I am just a listener and fan [but soon I will be learning to play the Bass guitar and when I get good enough, hopefully uploading remixes of my own one day]. Some of my favorite soundtracks are DK64, Shaq Fu, FFIX and Brave Fencer Musashi. I am sorry that this intro was soo long lol.
  5. Ok wait, I know what you're thinking [OMG THAT GAME IS SOO HORRIBLE]; of course the control schemes and overall game theme were executed very poorly. On the plus side, they did get one thing right; the music! This game has SUCH great music from the intro theme, to the character select and even character background themes themselves. To be honest, I love the game in all of its terrible glory. This does not go for both versions of the game. The Genesis port has bad sound quality IMO. But enough rambling onto the themes that I hope will sway you to pursue a project of this videogame. Hopefully, someone else agrees with me! *Edit Although, I didn't enjoy the Genesis version; there are a few tracks I did like.
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