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Posts posted by DjStriker

  1. Just sharing some amazing music that I love

    Ahh gotcha yah I need to clarify I am not saying I hate "everything" thats out there just not a fan like I was back in the 80's 90's when I believe music was really well done. But I have a 15 year old and the music she listens too is horrible and drives me crazy and I wasn't like that as a kid my dad and I had similar tastes in music and I'm from the country so Country music is and will always be part of my life but it's just amazing as to what these artists shovel down peoples throats 3 to 4 releases a year anymore its just how fast can I get into the studio and make more music that sounds "EXACTLY" the same and pump it out to people to buy kinda sad.

  2. I love the radio

    TuneIn let me reach radios from all over the world and discover music.

    The dude a few post above, I dunno how you could only listen to game remixes, I would go insane and be sad.

    What I hate tho, is the whole new wave of AutoTune in every techno songs. I'm lucky tho, I'm not really listening to techno so I skip the station. But there's an overdose of that, they all use it and they all sound the same and I'd punch them in the fuckin face if I could to apeas emy ears and my wrath. Also, the lack of originality which pisses me off.

    The 80s had its wave of styles too, and funny thing, you love it 30 years later.

    Music will keep on changing :)

    Game remixes come in all genre's and meaning its just one of those things I am a huge fan and it never gets old to me. I might just be that 1 percent but when you love something as much as I do it never gets old

  3. Okay..So I listen to every genre out there. There's many songs on the radio I don't like, but I can still see why some people would. So I normally never listen to the radio.

    BUT SERIOUSLY, what the hell is with the recent abundance of music that nearly everyone agrees is terrible?! First Rebecca Black, then Lulu, now this....

    Click that and prepare to suffer.

    Really though, I'm genuinely curious to know people's thoughts. There's always been and always will be songs that so many people hate, but I don't think it's ever quite been like it is now.

    I mean, the backstreet boys, A*Teens, etc. may have not been Dream Theater or Mozart, but they still had some well composed, performed and produced songs.

    What are your thoughts on Pop music today? Do you agree there is an abundance of "bad music" on the radio these days? If so, what do you think is the cause of it? What do you think future pop music will be like?

    I agree it's becoming more and more that I don't listen to anything other than VGM remixes and OST's because anything on the radio is just complete and utter crap. I don't know what happened to what we consider music at all but as long as OC Remix is alive and well I will have music to listen too so I count my blessing's the community is still alive and kicking

  4. I've been keeping this game locked on my radar, being a veteran of FFXI. For those of you playing, how are things now? Are the servers lively? Optimistic?

    I'm studying their PDF about 2.0, but I'm not sure what to think of it. New graphics engine.. graphics were a problem? And then there's this:

    "The current maps in FFXIV are not only massive, but allow for seamless passage across wide expanses of the realm. In order to maintain this seamlessness, however, we were forced to heavily reuse assets, resulting in static, repetitive areas."

    Obviously, I love the idea of making the maps dynamic akin to FFXI's, but his tone just... it pisses me off. You were forced to reuse assets? To maintain seamlessness? Bullshit. You reused them because you wanted to roll the game out too damn early. That they can continue to be so unapologetic about everything and continue to create excuses just blows my mind.

    EDIT: I read further and saw that they are "abandoning seamlessness" in exchange for dynamic areas. I just don't understand why things can't be seamless and dynamic.. Skyrim did it ffs.

    I really want to get into this game since I loved FFXI so much, but the whole thing seems so shaky.

    EDIT 2: Holy dang, this isn't going to be ready until 2013? This has got to be the most elaborate overhaul in history. I guess I have plenty of time to decide O_O

    And that's all dependent on the money for said overhaul to still be available with the financial failings of Square-Enix as of late I hate to say I don't see this getting done before the project is abandoned all to gather as it is causing them way to much money to keep it running and once subscriptions start except for a very few hardcore fans they are going to lose there player base all-together I was one of them but I can't pay for a game that lacks content its just not feasible for me. But at this point who knows and I hope they do somehow pull it off as I love Final Fantasy as a franchise and like you XI was great.

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