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  1. I just got the R8 Zoom which I am using as an interface for Cubase 5. I have gone through all the steps installing, drivers ect. I got it all set up and I am recording guitar and the R8 and Cubase are recording it but i cant get it to play back. I can hear the clicks and see the waves it recorded but so other sound. Messed up thing is one night I was screwing around and recorded 2 songs with multiple tracks that playback just fine. I have tried since then and get no playback. i can open those projects, activate them and they play just fine. If I try to add a track to one of those songs just that new track won't playback but everything else does. I have tried to start over and do everything the same exact way with no luck. NO IDEA WHAT I DID THE FIRST TIME. Does anyone out there have any suggustions. anything will help. I desperate.
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