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Icct Hedrix

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Posts posted by Icct Hedrix

  1. This is one of those few remixes that actually brings a tear to my eye. I am a huge fan of folk guitar music, and solo guitar music in general, so this is a thing of beauty to me. I suprisingly know little of folk guitar singing so this is a welcome addition to my music library. I congratulate you Dj Pretzle and Geoffrey Taucer on a fine mix.

  2. God this one hurt. The begining sounds like he just picked up the music and recorded his first time playing it...The orchestral piece didnt help either.

    A good 2/3 of this song was not up to standards in my opinion. I guess the only saving grace (if you could call it that) this song had was when the precussion started in with the electric guitar. The after about a minute of that it went right back to the acustic. Now were back at square one. Most of the time I'm with the judges on their decisions, but how could they overlook 2/3 of the song. I guess everyone has their off days. Even the judges

  3. The intro is very solid. Coming in with a dramatic phase in, I knew it was going to be a toe tapping mix. Great job with mixing up the the beats. Thinking back on it though the drums were a little loud, but I could still hear just about everything the mix threw at me. The scratching bits thrown in were just icing on an already delicious cake. This is a very solid mix

  4. What is with this guy and his jazz? Well...for one thing he's damn good at it. I like the whole thing, the instrumentation, the quality, the melody, the beats, and the sax. Im suprised though, that this mix got through. That is, Im suprised that it didnt get rejected for its lack of core melody. I personaly have never heard the original, but if I know Nesk (and I do) very little of his mixes have much to do with the melody. Then again, that still wouldnt stop me from giving it a Yes

  5. Ahhh...music. Good music. Great music. Ah fuck it. One of the greatest ReMixes of all time. Even for Scotts first ReMix, it still kicks ass. One of Scotts greatest hits of all time. Like DjP said. turn down your subwoofer or you may be blow into the wall.

    P.S. for anyone that cares (which im guessing no one does) this was the remix that got me hooked. (see G.D. post 'Addiction')

  6. Uh huh...was my first thought on this song, its a tad plucky, but good all around. The lyrics fit perfectly in with the beat, but I must admit, they are slightly goofy (i.e. wont you pick, me instead of that frog, I can do healing to). It sounds like he really liked the robot that lena fixed. Goofy lyrics aside, this remix is extremely up lifting and a good choice to listen to, if your down. :lol:

  7. It needs drums.At least some form of precussion.It sounds alittle novince grade which I mean in the best way posible....the sounds do anyway.Looking at the kbps its great sound quality,but the tones are somehow...I dont know what.Also its alittle too light hearted for its own damn good.Aside from that the way he brings it all together is great.Overall a good attempt but kind of falls flat on its face in the precussion section

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