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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Heyyy , I have uploaded a video on youtube , guild wars 2 violin cover of my best song - Norn Theme - I know it is not a remix but still i like it Today GW2 team has been twitted about me , i got lots of views and likes Hope you like it , Enjoy!
  2. Thanks for your precious comments guys! Yeah the guitar part actually not fits in it and it is quite out of my thinking.I will use another instrument than acoustic guitar cuz in the book , he uses Lute! Your comments and interest is very important for me.I hope it will be good at the end. Matt.
  3. Hey guys , I want to make a soundtrack of name of the wind.Maybe you have heard it , it is a great book.I tried to do something as a begging but i still thinking. It is just a trial of some whistler , guitar and nature sounds. http://soundcloud.com/m-talhakaner/name-of-the-wind-trial-1 Thanks, Matt
  4. Thanks a lot man! Yeah i also like using midi for violin but playing a real one always better
  5. Hey guys , I have finished my uncharted 3 Nate's Theme violin cover.I hope you like it and comment what you think and how it can be better song. Cheers.
  6. Alright I will try to do my best then. Cheers.
  7. Hey Calum!! First of all , thanks for your awesome comment.I really appreciated it. Uhm yeah as you say sometimes i can't give good emotions in it , actually i am from Turkey , i grown up with turkish style which is quite mystic and different notes with strange emotions than classical music.So i am still trying to play with emotions , i hope it will be better. Secondly , oh no you got me in the top notes Yeah i have still problems to play high notes , 2nd 3rd positions.It is funny to say but even i play a lot of time , i didn't work pretty much positions due to our music style.I am wondering could you help me about high positions ? Maybe you can send me some worksheets or studying techniques.I believe i will solve that problem in time. And about Pizzicato , it is the first time i have ever used it.I know it is not cool so much but it makes song different anyway Again , thanks for your feedback , it is so important for me. My next cover is Uncharted 3 Main theme , i am doing it with MIDI piano in left hand , and the right hand notes will be violin!! I hope it will be finished in 1 week. Best
  8. Hey Guys , I am new in here , i also wrote in newbie section.You can read from there to know me ) Alright , i have two game theme cover with violin. I hope you guys will like it and comment if possible.I am open to all feedbacks , i am not a pro.I just want to do best for my next game covers. FFX - A Fleeting Dream Violin Cover The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind Theme Violin Cover
  9. Hey Guys , I am drmattviolin.My name is Matt , actually it is a nickname that i am using in english. And i am a violinist , i have been playing nearly 10 years!! I am going to medical school and i will be a doctor in 2 years hopefully ) So here i am , i do covers for musics .I also started to cover game themes that i liked. I have Morrowind Theme and FFX - A Fleeting Dream for now , but i am doing uncharted 3 Nate's Theme and Batman Arkham City. You can visit my youtube channel www.youtube.com/drmattviolin . I wish we will have a great time here . I will do my best! Cheers!
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