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Everything posted by MrB

  1. Hey guys, I just wanted to update you all and let you know that we're giving away free passes to our the prototypes of our game! More info here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mercenary-games/vigrior-maneuver-warfare/posts/206127 Email (commanderbull50@gmail.com) or PM me here for a pass! Thanks
  2. Thanks for the reply! I'll send you a message on Soundcloud ASAP!
  3. What a perfect thread, LOL! Perfect for me to post the project i'm involved in, that is. You guys might have seen the thread I made for it a while back. The project's name is Vigrior. - Vigrior's kickstarter bio Kickstarter link: http://kck.st/H1zaQI My work for Vigrior has mainly been in the soundtrack & SFX department. I've recently been producing tracks for promotional videos, instrumenting atmospheric scores for game levels, and musing about concepts for alien-like sounds for versatile playback. I'd actually really love to hear what all of you guys think of the music! I've been producing for awhile but rarely open up to feedback (I'm too self-absorbed most of the time). I'm not sure yet what the legalities would look like, but I know that personally, once the game is finished, I'd be happy to provide remix stems and MIDI's. Additionally, if anyone wants to collab on a track to maybe(?) be featured in the game, I'd be totally down to do that! Let me know If you guys could take a look at our game and maybe pledge, that'd be awesome! Thanks
  4. Hey OCRemix! I hope this is the right section to throw this up. My name's Nuwati, I'm a sound designer and musician at Mercenary Games and would love to show you awesome people our new game: Vigrior (Vig-ri-or). Virgrior is a SCI-FI themed RTS with a couple new ideas up it's sleeves. As i'm sure you guys know, most RTS games require good speed and agility to have a degree of success (Yeah...bronze league ). Virgrior changes that by tossing in new game mechanics that empower your tactical skills and let your hands have a well earned rest. Fire up Virgrior and start building your own fleet formation with the new Fleet Editor. The Fleet Editor allows players to build their own fleet formations out of any of the 3 ships available. Utilize your custom fleet formations as you go out and fight the dreaded Virals-- a frightening breed of beast and machine. Vigrior allows you to switch between any of your fleet formations with a single push or click of a button, allowing you to incinerate your Viral enemies in style and ease. Along with the tactical Fleet Editor, Vigrior comes with an inventive soundtrack composed of classical elements such as lush strings and brilliant flutes mixed in with the hard and fast basses of today's hot dance music. I hope you all get a chance to check out the game here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mercenary-games/vigrior-maneuver-warfare. I suppose now is the time I ask you all to pledge please pledge <3
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