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Everything posted by K8A

  1. Heya. Just released a greenlight-trailer for our arena brawler, RUiN (link below). Since it took some time to get the game up and running properly, the aesthetic dept. of our company has had to release several trailers that in essence showed what the game would look like in the end. This one is our fourth, and as such, we feel like our skills regarding trailers have increased substantially. But of course, we're still scrubs, so any feedback is appreciated. I've written/directed the trailer and produced most of the audio. Any feedback regarding composition, production or the overall narrative (how the trailer conveyed the gameplay) would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, K8A
  2. Link to the music; https://soundcloud.com/k8a/sets/heartbeater Yoyo everyone. This latest global game jam I teamed up with an awesome group and produced the game Heartbeater. This years theme was "heartbeat", so inevitably we ended up with a voodooinspired button masher whereas the protagonist is a a voodoo priest running around killing zombies with hearts attached to his hands, serving as knuckles. Serving this purpose I based my inspiration on the soundtrack from the PSX game "The Neverhood". I wanted to get that.. gritty, weird, folkish feel to it. In the end, all the songs had a variety of influenses mixed into them, and I'm pretty happy with the result. Everything on the project was done at our school, so my equipment was limited to my ESP Horizon guitar, an apogee sound card and all of the basic Logic jampacks. Any critizism related to composition, mix/master or.. anything at all is encouraged! Cheers, K8A.
  3. Well sounds like all legit reasons to start off with Kontakt at least. And freeware, could you point me in some directions for such synths? Like websites, names or just other threads.
  4. Heya! If I put this thread in the wrong part of the forum, please move it. Anyway, my questions are about gear. I've been playing music with bands (rock) for a couple of years, but last year I started studying game music composition at a university. The time has finally come for me to grow out of my schools computer and get my own gear, and that's where it got messy. There's so much stuff out there I couldn't even begin knowing where to start. But after some research I've found a few different libraries/plugins that I'm considering. My question tho is.. anything, really, related to these programs och if there are any better ways to begin. I'm a fantasy/sci-fi/ambience type of guy really. What I'm looking for is some good orchestral stuff, great sounding pads/synthesizers to obtain all those comfty background sounds and all other necesseties like drums, basses, effects etc. I've been looking at the Komplete 8 Ultimate kit to get me started. Seems like a great starter kit, but compared to the EWQL orchestral sounds I found it quite lacking. The plus with the Komplete 8 tho seems to be the synthesizers like Absynth and Massive which produced some nice sounds. Those are the different orchestral packs I've looked at so far, and I'm interested in getting some opinions about not just these two but anything else that might be recommended. Also would be great to hear if anyone thinks I should start with a fairly large pack like Komplete 8 which probably includes alot of shite I won't use, or if I should go with specializing in something that sounds great from the start (<-- realized that sentence sounded quite dumb. I meant that I might miss out on things in a larger pack that I hadn't thought of using). Cheers, Ken!
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