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Posts posted by Shadic

  1. Soooo has anyone heard from Shadic at all recently? Last I heard, I'm supposed to be doing some music for him, but he hasn't been on Skype in close to a month so I'm not really sure how to reach him

    Sorry about this, I've been ridiculously busy recently. :( I've actually been on Skype a few times, so I'm not sure why it isn't showing me online. Either way, even just shooting me a message on Skype or OCR works well enough.

  2. Hey folks. Long time no see.

    Probably worth mentioning that we're looking for a nice Skyward Sword remix to put on Skyloft, preferably with

    We actually used that song originally, but it's probably best to not straight up take some Nintendo compositions for the game, so we went back to the generic Zelda theme after Demo 2.1.

    Any takers? :)

  3. @Shadic: My question is whether we should submit our mixes to ocremix, or if you were starting a project that would encompass all the submissions?

    Feel free to send it to BardicKnowledge/myself. He's doing some central organizing of everything I believe, and I could show any WIP stuff to the team to get some feedback.

  4. Rex - BardicKnowledge covered it all pretty well. As long as you make the song feasibly loop, we can make it do so.

    I'm working on a Goldenrod mix that could definitely work in Saffron City. Do we need the songs to directly correlate to the setting, or can we use alternate songs for locations (a la Saffrons old song being the theme of the games)?

    That should be fine. Doesn't have to be the exact song used from that location - Brawl itself doesn't even come close to adhering to that. The most important thing is that the song somewhat fits the "mood" of the stage, I guess. A death metal Pokemon song is cool and all, but wouldn't really fit well on Saffron City 64.

  5. If we do do this, I seriously want to try a hand at Earthbound. The Fourside stage specifically. If we do at least.

    Sounds fine to me!

    Haven't done much in terms of remixes recently but i'd be happy to lend a hand... will there be the possibility of multiple remixes of the same sources accepted for the mod? Not because I want to do more than 1 of the same source, but I don't want to remix any songs that are already claimed if you guys won't use more than one :smile:

    What do you mean? Multiple remixes of the same song? That's kinda iffy. From the same source? Sure. Also depends on stage, though. Some only have two songs on them!

  6. I'm definitively interested in making 2 or 3 tracks for this, especially for Dracula's Castle. :)

    Do the tracks need to loop?

    Yes please. That's actually something fairly important that I neglected to mention.

    We can set custom loop starting points, as in:

    Imagine the following:


    A is the start of the song, and C is the end.

    We can set B anywhere we want, as a custom place for the song to loop to after reaching C. That's all, though. No codas or anything fancy.

  7. I see these stages as in need of new music because they're new:

    WarioWare Inc. -- needs a Wario Land 3 mix to accommodate Wario's new aesthetic

    Dracula's Castle

    SSE: Jungle

    Fourside (not technically new, but new music for this Melee stage would be nice)

    Temple: M -- probably a Skyward Sword mix? I know that this stage is due for a graphic overhaul of some kind in the next build.

    Hyrule Castle 64

    Saffron City

    Kongo Jungle


    Final Destination

    This sounds great! Also:

    Dreamland 64 - Smash64 stage, could probably get away with the generic Kirby music already there but..

    Fountain of Dreams - Lots of room for cool stuff here. Melee's song was fantastic, but we've currently got some Brawl tracks that really don't fit well on the stage.

    Temple: M As you suspected, we've got plans for an aesthetic overhaul of this stage bringing it in line with Skyward Sword's overworld. So think of it as music for Skyloft. 8)

    I'm still talking with the team about agreeing upon a cohesive and sound plan, but if you guys want to take some initiative with this, feel free! (And it sounds like you're already doing so.)

    Edit: Something I forgot. Please make the songs loop. I briefly detailed the limits of Brawl's looping functionality here.

    And thanks for everybody chiming in to let us use your stuff! I'm going to snoop through some tracks in my spare time and mention anything that sticks out to the team.

  8. btw, every character and their associated game worlds, designs, melodies, all that stuff is IP and under copyright. Every remix here can be pulled by the original songs' rightsholders. Just because we've made a new arrangement and have a new performance and new stuff in them doesn't give us unlimited rights to them. Just wanna clear that up, even tho you seem to just refer to the original music assets when you said "copy-written IP".

    Really? I'd figured that it was case of fair use - like Weird Al Yankovic. And we're not even selling it.

    Anyways, I haven't gotten a chance to look through too many remixes yet unfortunately, been busy developing and all. I'll talk to the team and we'll try and find some remixes to look into using. We're mostly looking for new songs on stages that we've replaced.. At least for the time being. :<

    A few of the songs we're looking at haven't seem to be fairly old though. Hopefully it's possible to talk to people who submitted remixes last decade.

    Edit: Either way, I'm talking to the team a bit more on this one, so we should soon actually have an exact idea of what we're looking for! Thanks for all the support you guys have already shown, this is is awesome. Hopefully we can make Brawl's frighteningly-huge soundtrack even better.

  9. Hey everybody - this is Shadic from the Project M Back Room. (As in - I'm a developer.)

    Glad to see people seem to be liking the game! Derrit's first post was actually one of the reasons I'm over here - We're actually looking for possible fan-remixes to put on our stages, so that we're staying away from copy-written IP from big companies.

    If anybody has some good ideas, especially for Castlevania, or any of our other added stages, let me know! I'd love to ask the artists if we can use their awesome music. The main difficulty would be getting certain songs to loop, but hopefully we could figure something out. :)

    And if you have any general questions about the game, let me know.

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