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  1. You've contradicted yourself here. "Bad samples, too conservative, no personal touch." That's constructive; something I can keep in mind on this and other works. And I will. You could've just said that to begin with.
  2. Yeah.. It's just "Electric 1" (lol) with some distortion on it. I actually quite like it but I would like to find some better/more varied guitar synths. Do you know where I could find some? I've had a look but the ones I've found so far all sound really terrible. At least this one is a considerable step up from the Sytrus "guitars" and most of what FL Slayer has to offer. Hmmm idk about that, the drums are almost (or maybe completely) identical to the source, which I'll admit is probably a problem in itself. I think I'm just a bit reluctant to deviate from the original too much because it's just so damn good, but I'll see what I can do. The rest of your post isn't really too constructive or helpful though. Yes, I'm relatively inexperienced and much of what I do is part of a learning process. But I don't see how that makes anything I produce beyond improvement. The fact that you stopped listening because of that seems a little narrow-minded.
  3. Hmm... I've never found the bass overpowering, but that seems to be the most prevelant complaint, so I'll turn that and the guitar down a little. I guess I'm just used to it/have less bassy headphones or something. Or maybe I just like the bass too much. I was actually thinking I could use a little more variety. I think I might add mild piano soloey thing from about 1:05 to the end of that section, and maybe spice up the bass in some sections. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this... Could you or anyone else please explain it?
  4. So I've been messing around with FL Studio for a bit. The following is something I've wanted to make for aaaages but haven't really had/found the tools or the skill, until recently. My friends say it's my best work yet which is... frustrating since its my only non-original, but regardless I'm proud of it and I'd like to see how it stands up in a more serious context like this. It doesn't depart too wildly from the original, but I'm very happy with the instumentation, and I've added a few minor touches and a guitar solo worth listening until the end for. Comments & criticisms would be very much appreciated. Hot Head Bop Remix (better title pending...) Original Track
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