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Everything posted by Kc1336

  1. This is sick! it's got such a cool groove to it, love the small harmonised parts in between the main riff. I've tried and tried to rock this song up many times, this kills my attempts without a doubt!
  2. and.. Went through a grey area for a while but I'm back on track now! Lemme know what you guys think EDIT: I also extended some of the previous tracks and in the process of doing the new ones too.
  3. Hi there OverClocked community! My name is Kc and I am making a full game soundtrack compiled with differently themed tracks, some standard, some more obscure, but a simplistic approach on both. I am also aiming for a similarity within the tracks as a whole to give that 'reminiscent' sound from the one previously heard. Another thing I try and aim for are catchy melodies, tight bass and clarity and all being well, the track will hopefully stick in your head as a whole. Here are 4 I have already uploaded: Mystery Sands (Boss) Beyond Cumulus (Interlude) Lemme know what you guys think, any feedback is great feedback in my opinion, and if you like what you hear, hit me up with a message, I'm open for requests/suggestions. Thanks!
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