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A14 Headmaster

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Posts posted by A14 Headmaster

  1. In that case, I'd like to point out that Nazi Germany did that whole genocide (not just the Jews, but also Gypsies and some other groups) as well as horrific medical experimentation, rape, the ransacking of national treasures and the burning of books, in far less time, and the rest of the world has been buddy-buddy with them for decades.

    Peace has a way of making people not want to be enemies anymore. Sometimes it doesn't work out so well (Koreas, I'm looking in your direction...) but we've had relatively long stretches of peace between major enemies for years and even decades at a time.

    So really, The Legend of Korra is pretty realistic when you think about it.

    Can't fault a well-made argument. Thanks for the thought out responses! :grin:

  2. Add in that Ozai was responsible for most of those atrocities (and the two Fire Lords before him). When Zuko became Fire Lord, he vowed to clear the Fire Nation's name. It shows some of this in The Promise, and Republic City was founded partially as a result of his actions. Note that there's even a statue of him (I think it's shown in episode 3 of Korra, when Bolin gets kidnapped by Equalists), so that's something too.

    True. I'll agree these are all good points and, in retrospect, the technology jump is within a reasonable time frame. I still feel awkward accepting that the world can dismiss the actions of the Fire Nation, which include the genocide of an entire race, and can be forgiven enough to allow for the cooperation needed to build Republic City. Even if the blame was transferred solely to the previous Fire Lords, the people of the Fire Nation were still following them loyally.

    But, they also did have a lot of resources and technology to offer so maybe it's not all that crazy that they could overlook what happened and for forgiveness to come about so quickly.

  3. I really enjoyed Last Airbender but I have mixed feelings about the new series. From the beginning, we're supposed to accept that within 60-80 years the other nations have forgiven the 100 years of horrible atrocities committed by the Fire Nation... And that by working with them, the world has been catapulted forward technologically and managed to build a city unlike anything seen in the original series. Now, I'm not saying this is an impossibility... but hatred runs deep. In fact, there was an entire episode in the original series focusing on Katara being unable to forgive the man who killed her mother.

    The characters were OK... It's not fair to compare Korra to Last Airbender when it's only had a single season to work with. I felt that they really nailed the chemistry between the characters in the original. I also really enjoyed that while Last Airbender had a fairly epic story, the series did not take itself all that seriously.

    Additionally, I wasn't the biggest fan of Pro Bending.

  4. Even I voted for Us Origin and was upset this morning to see crappy 10 year old buggy motor on there instead...

    Unfortunately, Ys appeals to niche audience and is probably not going to be most Steam users' first choice. It's a bit frustrating... At least it was a Flash sale earlier on.

    Speaking of Flash sales, Trine 2 just made a third appearance after being a Daily Deal and Community Choice. I'd definitely give a glowing recommendation for this title. It's fun, lighthearted, has some great visuals and a great soundtrack. Plus, it has multiplayer which its predecessor lacked.

  5. If you're talking about the actual piano piece played around the 3rd act of the game, that was the pianist Stanislav Bunin playing. If you were talking about the rearrangement used during the final battle, then yeah, that was Sakuraba.

    I was thinking of the rearrangement.

    But, as I mentioned, he's certainly not for everyone and I do think his work suffers from the sheer volume he does which was mentioned in an earlier post.

  6. I definitely agree that Sakuraba's work is not for everyone. A lot of his compositions seem to lack identity and can literally be interchanged with any of the other games he's worked on. This is especially the case for titles from the Tales series, Eternal Sonata and Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria. However, I still consider him an excellent composer and fondly think back to the soundtracks from Star Ocean 2 and Valkyrie Profile. I especially liked his take of Chopan's 'Revolutionary Etude' in Eternal Sonata.

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