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Everything posted by PirateCrab

  1. Haha thanks a lot Tim I appreciate the feedback. By breakdown section, do you mean a small chunk of the song should have cleans for 20 seconds or so, like a rest period? If so I'll keep that in mind for my next song, after doing more work on it I've become sick of the damn project and I want to start a gunstar heroes remix! Argle, all my guitar tones are made via a pod hd500. I then process the tone in my daw with post eq, reverb and such to help it blend with the rest of the track.
  2. I'd like to think I do haha, I spend so long on my mixes that I get ear fatigue easily, so it's nice to have fresh ears to dwell upon
  3. Thanks guys. I genuinely expected more criticism but SWEET! Much appreciated
  4. This has a wicked little jive to it man! I have a couple of criticisms however: 1. Your hi-hat sounds fairly overpowering compared to the rest of the track. I'd drop the volume a fair bit to a level that blends easier and EQ it so the harsher end (10khz+) has a slight dip, only a little, just to remove some of the harshness. 2. The guitar tone sounds like it's delayed in the playing or the rhythmic timing is off. It's a tough one to explain and the tone doesn't seem to blend too well either. Add some mids on the guitar and a slight reverb to gel it together! There are other things such as the ones said above but these are what stand out to me more on a production point of view. Apart from that, keep it up and great work
  5. Finished! Please check it out guys https://soundcloud.com/woodmaister/champion-lance-the-metal-type
  6. V2: https://soundcloud.com/woodmaister/pokemetal-update More done. More to go!
  7. HALLOHALLOHALLO. So recently, I've taken upon some pokémon tunes as a challenge to metalize. I feel there is a lot of potential still to work upon here, including synths, strings, possibly some piano, but for now it's definitely sounding sweet. I am always open to feedback so feel free to throw any criticism you have at me. V1:https://soundcloud.com/woodmaister/pokemetal-champion-lance V2: https://soundcloud.com/woodmaister/pokemetal-update Finished: https://soundcloud.com/woodmaister/champion-lance-the-metal-type The track is also on my YouTube channel if you'd like to subscribe: www.youtube.com/piratecrabuk
  8. The rhythm sound is a combination of many things. The most defining part of the tone comes from Poulin's LeXTAC amp vst. The actual route on my DAW is: TSE808 (VST) --> Noise Gate --> Poulin's LeXTAC --> The Rocket (Or a compressor of your choice) --> Cab Impulse (Burny Mesa OS 6505 pack) --> Noise Gate --> EQ. If you like, I can explain each part as to how it affects the tone, but this is a good starting step to work with, then just play around with it.
  9. It's not long or anything, but I threw it together over the past few days as a test idea for mixing a few genres of metal. Might just do some more work on it. 'Ave a listen. If you like, I'll give you free biscuits! https://soundcloud.com/woodmaister/apocalypse-metal
  10. Woh haha, been a while since I checked this, I thought it had just pushed to the back! Many thanks to everyone guys, I appreciate all the constructive criticism and awesome feedback. I'd worked on this track so much that I'd completely fatigued my ears to the point where I just couldn't pick out what to improve next. I most definitely need a new snare sample to pull it through, I definitely don't want to compress anymore than I already have or it's gonna sound like pure fizz! Dynamics were never really something I was aiming for in this track to be totally honest, I just wanted it to be a complete head banger, one rocking riff to the next. That's definitely something I can look at for my next track though! Again, many thanks to everyone! If it doesn't pass the panel I'll most definitely be re-working it!
  11. Any more feedback please guys?
  12. Thank you dude! Appreciate it so much haha! Song has been submitted, just waiting for it to pass through the queue. I can wholeheartedly promise that you shall be seeing more of me too!
  13. Slightly modified the drums a little. Any feedback is muchly appreciated!
  14. Sounds wicked so far! Got such a catchy beat! Get crackin' and finish it!
  15. My apologies. Just noticed the URL's haven't been working, but they're working now!
  16. So here is the completed version. Roughly a week's work put into this. Enjoy! http://www.soundcloud.com/woodmaister/mystic_cave OR http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/501574
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