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Hylian Dan

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  1. Thanks for all the feedback. I went back and reworked the whole mix, getting very liberal with the composition this time. I figured out that both the Clock Town and Stone Tower themes are derived from the game's , so I worked that in to tie the mix together (also included this time). I'm much happier with the arrangement now.I also got rid of the Garageband instruments Here the revised mix. I changed the name to "Whenever There's a Meeting" (a parting is sure to follow) since I think the song fits that quote from the game. Around the second verse I imagine someone realizing their friend is gone, and the rest of the song deals with coming to terms with that.
  2. Hi again. This one requires a bit of an explanation. Previously I tried mixing together the Clock Town and Stone Tower themes from Majora's Mask, suspecting that one of the songs was derived from the other. Curiosity led me to dig a bit deeper, and I made this mix to expose what I think may be the root of most of the game's music: the game's opening notes. In this mix I take the game's opening theme and repeat it a million times with slight adjustments, trying to derive many of the game's familiar themes from it. At this point this is simply an exploration, not something I'm considering submitting. It uses two basic garageband instruments and there are some timing hiccups I haven't yet cleaned. What I'm looking for is some feedback about the ideas in this, and hopefully some new arrangements can be born out of it. Here's the mix. And here are the source tracks: , , , , , There's one particular thing I noticed from this that I think is pretty cool. The Clock Tower's bells are a very iconic sound in the game: they're two descending notes, and you can hear them used in the Last Hours song above. The melodies I explored in this mix all start with some ditty that has an emphasis on two descending notes in the middle, usually just before the melody repeats or shifts slightly. So perhaps the Clock Tower bells echo the game's main themes or vice versa. Thanks for listening, and hopefully this experiment leads to some cool new compositions down the road.
  3. Edit: Here's the updated version. Hey everyone, first timer here. Here's my track: http://soundcloud.com/dan-merrill-1/under-the-mask-v2 (Based on the and themes from Majora's Mask)This is the first time I've attempted something like this. I had a sense that the Clock Town and Stone Tower themes were related to each other, so I started playing with them in Garageband to see how much they had in common. Eventually I started working on a decent structure for the track itself, and then started playing with instruments. I wasn't planning to make a nice remix out of it, but I was having fun so I just kept polishing the track and now I'm pretty happy with it. My main goal with this was to expose how the two themes fit together, since I think it's an interesting thematic connection. I tried not to modify the original parts much since I wanted them to speak for themselves. As I made this I was thinking of a person going through an average day pretending to be okay, trying to hide what he's feeling. The song ends with the upbeat, everyday Clock Town theme suppressing the lonely despair of the Stone Tower theme - the mask falls back into place. I based the structure of my mix on the song from Godspell, which shifts abruptly through a number of parts before throwing them all together into a mess of sound at the end, where certain parts fade in and out of hearing as the jumble goes on.Thanks for any feedback you've got. I don't know if I'll keep working on this and submit it or if I'll just post it to youtube and call it a day.
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