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Posts posted by Razum

  1. Ha, you guys are awesome. I grew up playing the hell out of this game and always found the boss songs to be awesome, but they aren't really songs I can blast in my car, much to short for that.

    Skolar, really like what you've got so far, can't wait to hear the end result. Here's a video of the level and boss itself, don't know if that'll help inspire you or not, but either way.

    The boss fight starts at 1:01

    Kanohi, looking forward to seeing what you do with the song. Sadly all 3 songs are really short, which is what ultimately cause me to seek out some remixes for them, no better place for that then here.

    Boss 3 starts at :53 seconds in on this video

    And in case anyone wants to see Boss 2 it's :47 into this video

  2. Alright, there's an pretty old and relatively unknown NES game called Cabal. The music in the game is composed by David Wise and I personally find it to be excellent, especially given that this is NES we're talking about.

    Sadly, it's doesn't seem like there is a single remix for the game on here. Understandable given how few people know it, but something I'd love to see change.

    Anyway, here's a link to the first 3 boss battle songs from the game. If someone would like to remix any of them, I'd find that person to be extremely awesome. And of course, as this is simply a request, if you don't, no worries and thanks for reading this far.

    Boss 1 -

    Boss 2 -

    Boss 3 -

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