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Everything posted by Seperoth

  1. I really liked this. And I don't even like this genre! The drums got a bit repetitive though and you should put some more work into the bass, give it some melody or something to make it more interesting. I'm looking forward to the finished version
  2. Okay! Thanks for the help! I'll start working on it right away! btw, I think you're referring to the harp. Never heard of that game...
  3. Sorry it too so long but I've uploaded an example now: Metroid Prime - Beacon You'll find my problem at 2:50.
  4. So I usually write orchestral music, and I'm usually happy with the results, but whenever I try to give a part of the songs that powerful brass feeling it always ends up sounding like a bad march. Also I'm a bit uncertain of how to write percussions. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great:)
  5. Greetings! Seperoth here! It's been quite a while since I registered, but I suppose it's never to late for a first post. I first started remixing with OpenMPT and SynthFont 'bout 8 yoars ago. Since then I've used Guitar Pro, Finale and Sibelius but now I'm using Reaper; with wine now that I've finally switched to Ubuntu:). Back before I started using Sibelius most of my work was metal, but now it's all symphonic!.
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