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Posts posted by JamJars

  1. Let me start by saying, I'm not very good at speaking (be it in person or through forums like this) and I've always looked up to this site and the many amazing musicians and composers on here. Now, when I was in high school I could produce track after track, whether I was just playing around with new sounds and samples or following sudden inspiration. But lately I can't do anything. I feel like I've lost my brain and have tried to absorb all the info I can, but I just can't find the spark. I don't know what to do and it's frustrating me to no end. Please excuse me if I sound whiny or weird but I need some kind of advice.

  2. i would say it comes down to a combination of finding the right amount of swing when you quantize and just straight up performing certain parts with little to no quantization at all, adjusting for how loose of a feel you're going for. goldbaby has some free midi groove templates that you may find useful, though most daws will let you adjust the swing "intensity" when you quantize. generally you want a value somewhere in the range of 16th note @ 55-65%.

    there are also some decent video tutorials out there on hip-hop groove production, which could be applied to the kind of up-tempo breakbeat style you're going for.

    Thanks for the advice and the videos were a huge help :)

  3. Hey would you sticky me on this, Shariq then? I'd super appreciate it.

    I've gotten messaged about the idea of offering mixing lessons online. I'm think along the lines where I can screen share and send high quality audio over the web to give examples to help those with questions and/or also follow them with help as they mix down a track. This a bit new territory for me but I think I can do it and make it worthwhile.

    Would there be any interest in that for anyone out there?

    You got my vote :)

  4. Not bad mate, not bad at all.

    To start I like the intro and the build up at 0.50. I'm not a huge fan of the chiptune breakdown at 0.39 as it kinda sounds bland. To be honest I didn't even notice the piano, until timeaus pointed it out and it could use a bit of a tweak. All in all you got a nice sound goin, but you've got a bit of work to do. If it makes you feel better it's far better than my first mix. ^V^

  5. I was working on a new project when one of my Vsts crashed and forced me to restart my DAW, then when I open up my work again my Vst (Sylenth1 by the way) keeps repeating "Thank you for trying this demo" even though I still have full access to everything, unlike the demo version where it blocks access to Lfo modulation. Is there anyway I can fix this without uninstalling Sylenth1?

  6. I've been listening to the Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 soundtrack a lot lately, and I must say, I am quite enjoying it. (Don't hit that reply button to call me a blasphemous wanker just yet. Hear me out)

    The tracks have a lot of depth and flavor in them that makes them enjoyable to listen. I wouldn't go as far to say "I'm surprised there aren't any sonic '06 remixes on this site", but still, I'm quite impressed with the soundtrack. Perhaps, if the rest of game was given the same amount of attention that the music was, Sonic '06 would've been half-way decent. Here's some of my favorites from the soundtrack so far, in case you haven't heard the soundtrack or need a refresher:

    Crisis City:

    Kingdom Valley:

    Flame Core (Cavern):

    Flame Core (Volcano):

    Aquatic Base (Level 1):

    Does anyone else think the soundtrack in Sonic '06 is enjoyable and impressive like I do? Should I be exiled from society for liking any part of Sonic '06 at all? What are you thoughts?

    As a Sega fan since the Genesis years I have to agree with you, mainly because it's always been a trend for Sega to deliver in the music department and that is still apparent in a complete stinker like Sonic '06. So don't check yourself into the loony house just yet mate :D.

  7. This is my first remix so I know I have a lot to learn, but figured I'd post it here to get some feedback on how to improve. So any opinions are welcome!

    The song I remixed is the music from Gruntilda's Lair in Banjo Kazooie for the Nintendo 64.

    Not bad for a first, a tip I could give is make the music a bit more exciting, sure it has its parts but for the type of techno you're goin for I need to jump out my chair and dance the night away. Also the song seems a bit empty, especially in the center. And for the love of god I hate that bass it needs more power, but I really like that Trippy Saw towards the end. And finally there are mixing issues on the homestretch from 2:40 to the end.

    But hey don't let this amount of work discourage you as for a first remix it was a thousand times better than mine

    Keep at it :nicework:

  8. Two things

    1. I tried opening the song in my com and the song is killing it in the most brutal and painful way possible, so I'm forced to start from the ground up and that's always fun (luckily I was able to save the piano and bubble effect).

    2. If anyone could point me to some samples of drums that have a softer sound, because all my drum samples are too harsh for the ReMix I have in mind

    Please and Thank you. (If I sounded like a dick in anyway I'd like to apologize)

  9. Anyone know where I could get a VST that can dish out some really awesome pads? For the longest I've been using Sylenth1 for my pads, and I once tried Massive but my computer can't handle it anymore for absolutely no reason, but even it has it's limits so I need a VST that can make some absolutely beautiful pads great for Chillout and Trip-Hop.

    IMPORTANT: I'm on a budget and can only pay from Free to 0.00

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