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Posts posted by Knuckles316

  1. Back in the early 00s when VGMix was still up and running there was a remix of Tetris' Music 3 called Inna's Tetris by a remixer who went by Sound-Junkie. It is the single best video game remix ever created (no offense to anyone else or their wonderful remixes.)

    So, my question is, is this remixer still around? Have they done anything else on this site or anywhere else? Is there a way to contact them and say "Hey, thanks for making my earballs insanely happy for the last two decades"?

  2. I was playing this game with my nephew (I don't know why I said that because I play it just as frequently when my nephew isn't around) and while on Flynn's Airship, there is a music box you can stand next to that does a little remixed version of the main overworld theme. He had the Drobot character in which has a robotic voice anyway and the whole song just sounded cool.

    A remix around that specific and fairly obscure bit of music would be quite awesome!

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