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  1. Thanks muchly, I really appreciate it!

  2. DCT

    I've been meaning to update that post sometime this...decade. Anyway, here's the midi - http://sonicskillz.com/media/megaman2piano.mid

    Congrats on the upcoming wedding!


  3. Arguas

    Hey there!

    I wonder if you still get questions about this, but a few years back, you hosted a MIDI file for Jayson Litrio's "Doctor Wily's Wedding". Considering that I'm getting married in September, and I'd love for the piano portion to be played, I'd really like to get this midi to be able to get some sheet music for the organist. The website where this file used to be hosted looks like it is down, so I decided to ask you in person.

    Thanks in advance for any response, positive or negative :-)


  4. This guy is correct, actually. I run a windows 7 64-bit machine. While I could dual boot, I use various Windows plugins for unix-like shells to avoid the absolute crap shell that Windows provides by default. For how I picked up LMMS, I ran a google search looking for recommended software for someone starting out and learning new music tools, and LMMS got the best marks. I went to a game music development panel at Katsucon recently, in which a musical artist came in with a sample game at the alpha stages and had the audience design aspects of the music, where he fills in the details. He used FL Studio to generate 3 songs in 2 hours, granted he had a ton of sound libraries to work with. I see what some of you guys are talking about in which you're saying LMMS falls somewhat short, although I noticed a lot of the same things in FL Studio were there in LMMS. If the answer to the question of "What do I get if I purchase FL Studio over LMMS" is that you get better technical support, I raise another question of "How often do you feel like you are in need of such support?" I've had some frustrations with my first developments, but I feel that it's mostly due to working with the limited LMMS music libraries that it comes with. Most of them don't really sound like the genre I'm looking to capture. In terms of technical issues, I'm not dealing with frequent crashes yet... As for the community, I figured people here at OCRemix is a group of supportive people as well Is there some type of portal you get access to with people posting specific remixes or selling libraries with an FL license? My guess is no, but I figured I'd check.
  5. Thanks everyone, I just wanted to make sure I got off on the right foot, and I appreciate not only the responses, but also the fact that the community seems open to whatever works. I waited long enough to make sure of this either way. Thanks for your support, and hopefully I'll have a Space Armada remix up here at some point!
  6. Hey everyone! Long time listener, and I've loved the site for over 10 years, so thank you all for everything that you've created as a community. So, I have started to do a little bit of music work as of late. I'm more of a programmer, but I did go through some musical training in high school as a trumpeter, so I've got basic skills, and I'm looking to expand more into it. I've looked around at some free options for music composition, and I'm wondering what the community feels like about tools such as Linux Multimedia Studio. I've worked with it enough to be able to get some solid baseline work, but I'm having some trouble with some more advanced components, particularly legato synths. Anyone have any advice for this kind of thing? I've noticed that the popular choices, according to the stickied thread, are FL Studio and Reason. Before investing in one of these other applications over LMMS, assuming people here aren't fans, what advantages would I gain by switching? I'm not looking to get too invested in purchasing multiple instruments, as I'm fairly space constrained. So for the first part of my remixing journey, I'm thinking that I'll mostly be working with sounds and audio coming from sources other than myself. Any other advice that people have outside of the stickied threads? Thanks, Arguas
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