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Everything posted by mellowsonic

  1. now a new remix from the game unreal tournament 2004, love the original song from my fav map corrugation rise, enjoy my new pseudo remix http://youtu.be/DFXrWiAo874
  2. hey guys.. i have time for a new remix from my fav producer rom di prisco this time from Need For Speed ​​II menu theme enjoy cheerz
  3. now my new release "Synthetic Intelligence" thx on ektoplazm !! Synthetic Intelligence is a release by Mellow Sonic, an electronic music producer from Germany. Here he provides us with a science fiction adventure that will stimulate the senses with futuristic atmospheres and psychedelic drum ‘n bass and breakbeat music. This album was produced with FL Studio 10 and Orion 7.5. Mastering by Schorschie. Artwork by Katozuka download here in mp3/flac/wav cheerz
  4. hey guys now i haved time for a new remix.. aquila 303 by rom di prisco in need for speed III enjoy my new pseudo remix cheerz
  5. hey guys now a new pseudo remix from the awesome game mass effect theme galaxy (new worlds) enjoy download on soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/mellowsonic/mass-effect-new-worlds-galaxy cheerz
  6. hey guys now it's time a new remix from classic game incoming by rage software like the cd audio track 4.. here is a new remake from this track 4... hope you like it cheerz
  7. hey guys here is a something new remix creation from mass effect njoy
  8. thx man no I do not think there will be too long anyway!
  9. that is the 3rd mix of this tune... love the solar fields version enjoy my new mix cheerz
  10. hey guys here is a something new remix from my fav game unreal i remember this.. walking out of that prison.. seeing the birds circling overhead.. enjoy cheerz
  11. hey guys ! i have finish a new nfs 3 remix now rom's masterpiece romulus 3 enjoy cheerz
  12. hey guys here is my new remix from the hydrus 606 by rom di prisco enjoy
  13. here a new remix a part from saki kaskas - knossos i love the part from original cheerz & enjoy
  14. here my new remix from the classic game skyroads road 8 enjoy
  15. thx guys i have cutted this track for submission let's see if anything comes..
  16. hey guys here is my remix track fairy fountain enjoy https://soundcloud.com/mellowsonic/mellow-sonic-zelda-fairy
  17. here is a other game remix track from f-zero mute city https://soundcloud.com/mellowsonic/mellow-sonic-mute-city-remix Exclusive 8Bit Remix with Video..
  18. long is it since we've heard the title in need for speed ​​3 is a masterpiece of rom di prisco! now it's back this time a reissue of mellow sonic njoy my remix
  19. the reverb is only on the lead, piano & voice pads;-) and I find it so easy hehe well you can also list in my other tracks on soundcloud listen then you'll know it
  20. ok but I like it with a lot of reverb, I find this creates a nicer atmosphere but everyone hears it differently hehe
  21. hey thank you .. yes I remixes always on my style the reverb is with me on basic I just like it very much reminds me of what has so without the song just a nicer atmosphere but everyone hears it differently xD
  22. here is my unreal tournament foregone destruction remix hope you like it https://soundcloud.com/mellowsonic/mellow-sonic-foregone-remix
  23. I find it sufficiently the reverb makes the song a beautiful effect without it looks weak but thanks anyway )
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