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Everything posted by DJNyliss

  1. Alright, I took the feedback I've received so far and incorporated it into an updated version. For comparison, here's the initial version: https://soundcloud.com/cryogrid-records/dj-nyliss-electro-chemical Here's the updated version: https://soundcloud.com/cryogrid-records/dj-nyliss-electro-chemical-v1 For those just joining us, here's the original Sonic 2 version: EDIT: Corrected a problem with the sub-bass becoming much louder at slightly higher freqs. The audio file has been replaced on the most recent version.
  2. Hey, all! I've been working on this track for a little while now and feel it's ready for some feedback. This is an Electro House remix of the stage music from Chemical Plant Zone, Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I've recently improved my mixing and mastering ability a great deal, but still feel that this song could be improved. Anything you guys can think of, let me know! REMIX: https://soundcloud.com/cryogrid-records/dj-nyliss-electro-chemical ORIGINAL:
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