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Everything posted by SJSOFT

  1. Might you be interested?
  2. OH GOD NOT SUNVOX! IM NOT TOUCHING THAT THING EVER AGAIN! I'm saving up money for a prosound DMG-01 Chipzel uses Logic Pro X with LSDJ so that's why it sounds much better
  3. For colabing I'm more into Famitracker than LSDJ because emulators never give off a good sound quality. and sending .sav files is pretty complicated
  4. More people can still join if ya' want!
  5. Sending you a PM now!
  6. Sure! You can listen to all the music on the bandcamp site! If you do need a link to download though I'd be happy to link you to my dropbox! I do it for fun. The money's cool and all but I just do it for the love of chiptune!
  7. I'm also about to release another album so you'll be able to see my LSDJ stuff soon!
  8. It'd be interesting doing an LSDJ colab. Although my cartrige doesn't cooperate when I want to extract .sav files.
  9. So you'd be interested?
  10. Hi all! I'm pretty new to the chiptune scene and I thought no better way to get myself out there than to do some colabing with some people! All my work can be found here: metatronaut.bandcamp.com I work in LSDJ, Famitracker, FL Studio, and Logic Pro X (occasionally). But mostly LSDJ and Famitracker. PM me if you have questions! -Sam
  11. Someone was going to be paid but I'm on waitlist with Disasterpiece. He has a good deal for pay and he made the brilliant FEZ soundtrack that I absolutely love! So I wont be needing this forum anymore. Thank you!
  12. For those of you who are visiting this thread, I am currently on wait list for disasterpiece. Thank you!
  13. Well, this has been an odd week. My computer died just before the release of our prototype/website so that's not good. But no need to worry because the files are on google drive AND github so the project isn't doomed. I'm keeping on top of the project as hard as I can (that's what she said) but once I get the thing repaired I'll be back on the project! sorry it took so long to reply. No computer problems are gonna get in the way! Because.... yeah! lol but I'm committed to the project (I've been designing it on the library computer.)
  14. In an earlier post I explained how we are creating the website and that we have (was our 3rd) now our 4th prototype in which is the basic design of the first 3 levels. It is undisclosed at the time but when we have the alpha version of world 1 completed (which will be around early august or late july) then we will have footage out. In the meantime, wait for the website and then you'll get much more info than I can present in text.
  15. Well C++ can work on ubuntu, windows, apple, and consoles. As long as you know what you're doing of course!
  16. Like me and my partner said. We are 100% committed to the project and we will work on it for as long as it takes to be the next best platformer!
  17. There is a big gameplay puzzle solving area in which you have beat/music puzzles but it's also a platformer. This is exactly why we need music. And me and my partner are extremely commited to this project.
  18. So, is anybody in?
  19. exactly!
  20. The reason why you can't find us anywhere is because we haven't created our website yet. This is our first project. And yes, me and my partner are getting paid (hopefully).
  21. it's not going to be free. $4.99 a pop and there will be a 50% off sale during the first 3 days. And not 1 single person is going to work on the soundtrack. It can be multiple people working on the soundtrack songs. Just listen to the songs on the earlier posts and you'll know what I mean.
  22. I listened to what you had and I think that TITLE is a good one. It has a good balance of tracks but it kind of seems a bit repetitive. But still very nice. I'd love to use it if possible. You can use as many tracks as you want, and if you don't use famitracker then that's fine. Just send me the base file and let me know which program you used. I want to use songs like Necrophageon's Cast Adrift, and Neon Starlight as well as songs like Fluidvolt's Pallid Underbrush. This will be a "group effort" while you may not get paid, you will get high honors in the credits at the end, or at the credits option on the main menu (I don't know if there will be a main menu though). But you'll have high honors. And yes, you'll have rights to the song. I will not be selling the songs under my name. I will specify where to find the people who made the songs but will not take accountability for the songs. They are yours to do what you want with.
  23. I'm looking for songs that have a soft yet intense quality as well as some soft and smooth songs. I'm looking for at least 25. I've already got 4 down. The requirement for a song is that it must be 8 bit. There will be a choosing of which songs are good so the 25 or so songs will be evaluated. This game has unique gameplay qualities so I want a unique soundtrack. (Note that the game will be for PC, Mac, and Ubuntu and later on, for next gen consoles like the PS4, XBOX infinity, and possibly the Wii U. The project started in early January but we're pretty far in considering our tight schedules. At this rate, we'll have the entire game done by holiday 2015. (Yes, it's a big project).
  24. We currently have our 3rd prototype out. Screenshots cannot be disclosed right now. Although I will post some prototype 8bit pictures of the sprites. The project is already close to a 1st level being completed. Once that level is done, I will post a prototype video on you tube (expect that to be out in late may to mid june!)
  25. The length of the list will depend on how many software programs, language support, design, etc. Also on the # of people who've submitted the songs. Why does the font matter? it's probably going to be is some rustic times new roman/hectilva text The credits will run as long as the ending song is. (I expect it to be pretty long)
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