I guess I'll start by saying I've never posted here. So hello all. =]
I did a jazzy-ish remix/cover of the Soul Calibur 2/3/5 song "Confrontation".
Wanted to put it up for review. It's a bit significant for me because 90 percent of my style is electronic in sound, and like 95 percent of my tunes are original compositions. A non-electronic, non-original song is way out of my comfort zone, haha.
But I was hoping that if this was decent enough, it could maybe be considered for submission to ocr.
Here is the song on youtube:
or soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/goophball/goophball-soul-calibur-2?in=goophball/sets/remixes
Here is the original for comparison:
ANY kind of feedback would be appreciated. I know there's lots of knowledgeable people here. Anything from instrument choice/sound to mixing critique.