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Posts posted by Darkomega99

  1. Woooooaaaaah, some of those look like Gizoids. I actually really liked sonic battle and its story, and liked Emerl. It'd be neat to see him return in some form, but those ones are just normal enemies I'm sure. Like in the Dark Brotherhood.

    quite an interesting picture

  2. I...r-really? For such a bad rep Homestuck fans have gotten and how dense the community must be, that impresses me.

    mmm, I suppose that depending on where you hang out at on the forum, you may run into more of the rabid fans, but overall, everyone there is pleasant, especially in the general chat and media subforums where discussion is focused on those rather than MSPA.

    Of coures, maybe I just happen to be where all the pleasant people are around there, I dont know.

    And of coruse, you can find people who are respectable and mature wherever you go, although its harder in some places compared to others.

  3. Everything I think and feel has been discussed here already, but I have to say what I found the most egregious with the new Ms. Male video was how dismissive she was of Dixie Kong. By far, Dixie Kong was the most useful Kong in DKC2. While I love Diddy, he can not compete with her hair twirling flying prowess and how OP this made her. Title character or not Dixie was that game

    and in DKC3, it is her game, and she shines even brighter in comparison to kiddie kong.

  4. just junction a bunch of ultima to squalls strength and ff8 becomes totally broken, no matter the level of the enemy. 100 ultimas on any characters strength equates to 9999 per hit. Just imagine the limit breaks for characters who hit more than once. 9999 X 6 = dead bosses.

    For extra fun, junction 100 ultima to level 100 squall and give him the suicide/sacrifice option gained from cactuar (don't forget the attack power increases from GF's) and just destroy essentially every boss in the game in one hit. Mobile type 8 giving you problems? One hit kill. Sick of Seifer belittleing you? Take him out before he's even done taunting!

    with the ultima and omega weapons, as well as the final boss, you have to weaken them a bit first, but you can easily cut the fight time in half with the suicide/sacrifice command, as long as you make sure its the final blow.

    That's how I played final fantasy 8

  5. Project Chaos is how I figured out about ocremix.

    Ha project chaos was how I first learned of OCR too. My sister had a couple remixes from it on our computer and I thought they were awesome. a year or 3 after that, I decided to search up the album, and discovered OCR.

    I dont think it was until some years after that when I finally decided to check ocr out again on a whim, and I downloaded a bunch of albums and remixes. I'd periodically come back to search for different remixes and see if there was anything new.

    I don't really remember why i made an account earlier this year, or maybe late last year, I guess because i figured if I ever did anything music related I could get feedback for it.

    All I do though is chill around the community boards, and i'm essentially nobody haha.

    But seriously, Project Chaos was amazing, I never would have dreamed something like it could have existed.

  6. maybe pewdiepie has 12million alt accounts, and he's not really as popular as he makes it seem. one can only hope.

    I would endorse Gamegrumps , but I can only mainly recommend Jon-era grumps. Danny just doesnt do it for me, although steam rolled is pretty good.

    I used to watch Two Best Friends Play a lot, they are great, highly recommeneded.

    SomeOrdinaryGamers is really good, he does Playthroughs of various things, and does creepypasta readings.

    I also Enjoy Yuri of Wind sometimes. He does a few different things on his channel, I don't really know what i would classify it as.

    Spigazusaur is good too, he does game reviews, his accent is a little hard to understand sometimes, but he's good.

    ModernWarNegro is pretty funny too, does a few different things on his channel. you may or may not like it, it depends.

    and how could I almost forget Cr1TiKaL? Give him a try sometime, he's probably one of my absolute favorite youtubers

  7. The Completionist

    Jon Tron

    Continue? (also does a bi-monthly? podcast)

    PeanutButterGamer (also has a gameplay channel worth checking out, particularly the Hardcore series)

    DidYouKnow Gaming, if that counts.

    I've never watched Indie Games Searchlight, but if you add that as well, then you would have the whole NormalBoots Group.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head

  8. you're opinion is wrong.


    the story for Twilight Princess is outstanding; I don't understand how the storyline was bad. I'm sorry, that just doesn't make sense. of course, this is the opinion of someone else, but that just really doesn't make sense to me.

    Ahh, no i didnt mean the story was bad, I actually like it myself. its just mainly the controls, the lighting, and the god awful sound quality.

  9. Well, I can assure you that the wii version of twilight princess also controls terribly. I really wish that game was better, it had potential, but it seems like nintendo messed up bad with it because of the wii launch.

    Personally, I'm bummed that they removed the tingle tuner from wind waker HD, and the tingle statue collection side quest along with it. I'd rather have that then silly messages in a bottle from random people. They could have just made it so you connect a ds/3ds instead of a GBA.

    I got prime trilogy when it first launched, and It is amazing. I wish i didnt sell my copy of MP2 to get it though, as its sometimes fun to use the gamecube controls. I don't see why they couldnt have had an option for that, especially seeing as the wii had gamecube controller ports.

  10. Your good friend Brandon is now the proud owner of a Wind Waykah and a book thing! Many thanks to Darkomega99 and Sister!

    No problem! Now we just have to wait for our copy arrives in a week or so. Until then, Nintendoland!


    What's up with Nintendo Network ID's? I thought it would be the same as my nintendo.com account like how you link that to your 3ds eShop account.

  11. So me and my sister bought the Special edition wii u, and It's great. unfortunately we already had a copy of wind waker pre-ordered and we already own hyrule historia. so now we have two useless download codes. But the special gamepad is pretty sweet.

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