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Everything posted by Albaer

  1. So it's been a while, but I thought I should try to finish this remix. I addressed the arrangement issue by adding a bridge section using the main motif. Also, I got rid of the fire SFX as it didn't really add much to the remix. Any further critique is appreciated. Link: https://soundcloud.com/albaermusic/verdanturf-remix-ver-2
  2. Okay, well thanks for clearing that up, I definitely have a better idea now as to what I should be changing with the arrangement. I'll see what I can come up with and post back here when I've put something together.
  3. Thanks for the feedback Gario, I really appreciate it. As for the clicking in the intro and ending, that comes from a burning/flames sample I added, the clicking being the crackling of a fire. I guess that it didn't have the intended effect if it comes across as an audio artifact, so the remix might be better off without it. To be honest, I'm not totally sure of the standard here when it comes to straying from the source. I guess I've underestimated it in this case, so for now I'll see if I can come up with some more material to serve the remix.
  4. Just thought I'd bump this up as I think it may have been overlooked for Mod Review.
  5. Once again, thanks for the compliments and feedback. I think I've addressed most of the issues that were mentioned... http://soundcloud.com/albaermusic/verdanturf-town-remix-mod ...The big one being the muddiness of the piano in the lower register. Other changes include a reverse cymbal so the drums aren't quite so unexpected, panning of the drums, better EQ and reverb for the drums, sidechain for the kick, and automated EQ below 150hz for the piano to make room for bass. If there isn't anymore glaring issues I guess I'll change this to mod review, but until then, any more constructive criticism is welcome.
  6. Thanks for the compliment and in-depth feedback, much appreciated. I'll get to work on the things you mentioned and upload when I think I've fixed everything, or if I hit a road block.
  7. Hi there, this is my first attempt at a remix. I've wanted to do something with Verdanturf Town's theme for a while as it's one of my favourites from the Pokémon series. The original is quite a nice little piece, so I went with a sadder feel to it, as if the town had burned down. At this point I'm not quite sure what to do with it, so I'm looking forward to some constructive criticism. Original: My Work-In-Progress: https://soundcloud.com/albaermusic/verdanturf-town-remix Mod Review Version: https://soundcloud.com/albaermusic/verdanturf-town-remix-mod
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