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Everything posted by Ayotom

  1. Thanks! I much appreciate the help!
  2. Hi guys. I was wondering if I am legally able to use SNES soundfonts for my album I plan on selling. I get most of my soundfonts from here: http://www.williamkage.com/snes_soundfonts I am making a album for charity and the theme of the album is video game style music. I wanted to make a retro 16-bit SNES song using soundfonts. I tried looking for a SNES soundchip emulator but I have had no luck. If I am not able to use this for my album can you guys give me some advice on creating SNES-like music? Thanks!
  3. We've almost reached 30 artists! I cannot thank you guys enough for showing interesting in my project. This album is going to be amazing!
  4. Zircon has joined the project!
  5. We are now officially working with Child's Play.
  6. We planned on making this a MASSIVE album so people will be willing to donate. Our goal is to have 30 artists (we currently have 9), but we're not sure many artists we'll be able to get. The person who organized the Open Bundle is contacting his musician friends to see if they'd like to join. Basically, we have a lot left.
  7. I would like to sincerely apologize for any confusion I have caused. This is indeed a compilation album. You guys are competing to be a part of this. We plan on selling this album on pledgemusic.com and donating all the money (except the money required for pledgemusic.com's fees) to Child's Play. The game company that is helping support this project is giving away limited copies of their game on XBLIG for a certain reward tier. This is like Kickstarter, but for charity. If for some reason we are not allowed to use Pledgemusic.com then I planned on having the organizer of the Open Bundle help me with a system considering he was able to successfully gather donations for his campaign.
  8. Further detail about the loop, you can repeat it as many times as you need to so you can meet the time requirement of at least 2 minutes, but a minimum of one loop is preferred.
  9. Good question. I originally posted this on Newgrounds and I was basing "video game style music" on this: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/browse/genre/video-game Basically, you want to create repetitive music that doesn't sound repetitive. Simply play one of your favorite video games and play your favorite track for an example. Fundamentally, you need to make a loop track with a built-in intro and outro.
  10. I am currently working on a charity project with several different musicians for Child's Play. Child's Play provides video games and funding for treatment. We are currently supported by: Open Bundle - (http://open.commonly.cc/) Nutcasenightmare (creator of :the game: series on Newgrounds) - (http://nutcasenightmare.newgrounds.com/) n0rtygames - Creator of Chronoblast, a Top10 shooter on XBLIG (http://n0rtygames.com/) Xona Games - three #1 games in Japan (XBLIG) (http://xona.com/games/ ) Adam Roach - (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGearsKeepTurning) Officially by Child's Play - (http://www.childsplaycharity.org/) Our list of supporters keeps growing, so make sure you keep looking back for updates! Here is our current roster of musicians: Ayotom - (Me) Envy - (Best known for http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/105753) HalcyonicFalconX - (http://halcyonicfalconx.newgrounds.com/) EliteFerrex - (http://eliteferrex.newgrounds.com/) Teminite - (https://soundcloud.com/teminite) Bspendlove - (http://bspendlove.newgrounds.com/) Camoshark - (http://camoshark.newgrounds.com/) Nimble - (http://nimble.newgrounds.com/) NemesisTheory - (http://nemesistheory.newgrounds.com/) frootza - (http://frootza.newgrounds.com/audio/) XPRTNovice - (http://www.renmanstudio.com/?page_id=11) 8-bitheroes - (http://8-bitheroes.newgrounds.com/) TheFiercePixel - (http://thefiercepixel.newgrounds.com/) I Wish I was an Astronaut - (https://soundcloud.com/i-wish-i-was-an-astronaut) Kid2Will - (http://kid2will.newgrounds.com/) Elitistinen - (http://elitistinen.newgrounds.com/) thelegendaryorange (http://www.reverbnation.com/bradcharles) SmithBA - (http://smithba.newgrounds.com/) Zircon - (http://zirconmusic.com/) DjjD - (https://soundcloud.com/jakesnke17) Phonetic Hero - (https://soundcloud.com/phonetic-hero) Pete Gresser - (https://soundcloud.com/sonofactori) sorohanro - (http://sorohanro.newgrounds.com/) Our list of musicians keeps growing, so make sure you keep looking back for updates! Right now I am currently recruiting other musicians to help me with this project. We are a non-profit organisation looking to help out charity with music. Once we officially start the campaign I will ask all of you to help me spread the word. If you are a musician and you would like to be a part of this project please let me know! We are allowing as many musicians as we can possibly get. This album is going to be MASSIVE! The goal is to create video game style music. Every artist has total creative control. If you have any questions please ask! I decided to hold this contest on OCRemix because I know there are so many talented artists that could help contribute to this cause. Send your finished works to john.montoya@ayotom.com. *Please only send SoundCloud or streaming links.* The final day to submit work to me will be October 7th, 2013. Good luck! Thanks, John Montoya
  11. Hiya OCRemix! My name is John Montoya. I make music for Independent games. I want to help the independent community because I know the struggles first-hand (I am still struggling, even now). I want to create a compilation of music from various independent musicians, including myself. I planned on using Pledgemusic.com for this campaign. Before I even start the campaign I planned on completing most of the album to prove that this is a legitimate fund-raising campaign. I wanted to run a contest on various forums like Newgrounds and OCRemix to have some independent artists showcase their music on this album. It will be completely non-profit on my and the other musician's part. The money will only go to the charity and whatever fees I need to pay for Pledgemusic.com. I also plan on contacting Indie Game devs and ask if they could be apart of the rewards tiers. For example, I can have a donation set for $50. In this tier you can talk to the game devs on Skype and receive a free copy of their game. Part of that $50 will include payment for the game, unless they are willing to give it out for free. Rewards such as these will have to be limited. This project is currently supported by one Indie dev - Xona Games (http://xona.com/games/)-- three #1 games in Japan (XBLIG). I am currently working on asking other game developers if they could help me back this idea. Now I am here on the OCRemix forums asking for your participation. This website is known for its amazing content and I would like to include this community. I would like to hold a mini-contest to see which artists I can feature on this album. I want to get at least 5 - 10 OCRemix artists on this album. The only thing I ask is you post a SoundCloud link to your track and disable the downloads. If the track is good enough I will feature it on the album. Also, you can send me some of your older work as well. I'm not that picky when it comes to this sort of thing. Camoshark (http://camoshark.newgrounds.com/) and Envy (http://envy.newgrounds.com/) are currently making music for this album. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact at john.montoya@ayotom.com Thanks!
  12. I really do want to do more with it. Next time I try to work on something like this I will need to focus more on the EQ'ing and what-not. This was actually out of my realm of comfort so I do apologize for the mastering mistakes and any other mistake you here haha. Every day I try to teach myself something new. I hope to one day get professional training on production! Thanks for your review.
  13. I decided to teach myself music production in late 2005. I was about maybe 10 years old at the time. My love for music first started when I was a little kid. I've been playing piano/keyboard since I was 2-3 years old.
  14. Cave Story is one of my all-time favorite games. The theme for it is especially one of my favorites. I wanted to attempt to remix this theme. I can admit there are mistakes in this remix I wish I would have corrected. This is the first time I tried making a remix like this. Let me know what you think! https://soundcloud.com/ayotom_official/ayotom-cave-story-theme-remix
  15. I really like this. It kind of sounds like menu music to me. *Edit* Now that I think about it, it sounds like something that would belong in Harvest Moon.
  16. Hey guys! I made a song for a game that was just released on Android (literally 5 minutes ago). Here is the song I created for it: https://soundcloud.com/ayotom_official/fly-away Let me know what you think! Here is the link to the game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.J2Labs.LightRide&hl=
  17. Hello world. I love music and video games. What more could you possibly want?

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