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Everything posted by Dark3den

  1. If you thought the piece was terrific, then the best feedback you can give is to share it with others. Let the producer know that you shared and liked. If something isn't quite up to that par, I think it's nice to receive useful feedback, such as, what didn't work well in a mix. Of course, tell them something you truly enjoyed first.
  2. Hello OCR. I have to praise you on the amount of information and traffic this site has. Most of the composers and re-mixers I follow are involved in this community. Thank you for maintaining this fine resource. A bit about me. I have experience in composing music for orchestra, wind band, piano, harpsichord, various types of metal, jazz combos, and electronic synthesizers. However, In the past year I've committed to writing electronic music full time; I plan on covering video game music as obviously it is the best music... ;p. I release my content online under the name Dark3den on various sites. Feel free to contact me for fun or work anytime.
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