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Lordlaser's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I enjoyed (and still do...heh...) your song a lot. The only problem if I were to be picky is that when you sing some of the low notes in the song you start to have a raspy voice. Is it because your voice can't go that low, because you were crying (I think your post said you were crying sometimes when you were singing? ...forgive me if I'm wrong...I'm under the weather. ), or because your throat had too much moister and you suffered from not trying to clear your throat (or whatever you call it...)...use lemons to cure that? Another downside is sometimes it's hard to hear your words. I can understand them 100% if I go to this website and read the lyrics along with you singing...other then that I get 90...maybe 100% now, since I've heard it so much .
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