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Posts posted by frollo

  1. There are many albums and symphonies currently available to fans. You can chill out now.

    This concert is 100% newly scored material and covers tracks from the games that have never orchestrated before. This is not one of those completely redundant pieces of crap where they play one winged angel for the millionth time. The many albums you mention can't be compared to this concert which seeks to deviate from their monotony.

    I am not specifically complaining about the lack of free livestreaming or whatever. My concern is that the majority of people who want to hear this work it will never get to experience it in any form.

    I am loath to this sort of online back and forth but if an ongoing discussion brings this issue to the attention of a few more people then it's worth it.

  2. If they don't want it in the public domain, that's their business. The public doesn't get granted these rights just because they enjoy them a whole hell of a lot.

    Sucks for the fans, but, hey, not everyone who creates generation-defining content like Square-Enix has in the past really wants to be as insanely open about what they do with it as others.

    Look I didn't exactly choose my words carefully but so what, it's an emotional response and we all know the circumstances that elicited it. I'm not saying FF music should be public domain I'm saying if there's beautiful music and people want to purchase an album of it... jesus christ, why are we even talking about this FINAL FATNASY MUSIC FANS HAVE BEEN KICKED IN THE BALLS

  3. The general apathy towards this event astounds me. With the hoards of FF fans going to see Distant Worlds to hear the same arrangements over and over again, you'd think some of them would care about the fact that they're missing out on brand new orchestral renditions of tracks like Shadow's theme, The Coin Song, Cyan's Theme, Mako Reactor, Cid's theme, Cosmo Canyon, People of the North Pole, Battle with Seymour... I could go on.

  4. I am going to have to step in and say a few things. I don't consider this to be as good as the Reunion arrangements like some are saying (What, are you out of your mind?) nor am I going to harp on it for being "chaotic" and such. I am really curious how many of these there will be. Given the scope of this thing (this suite only includes only the material of the 1st track on the ost) I'd say that there wouold at least have to be a dozen before the game is fully represented.

    That said...

    This is one remix that takes all the conventions of videogame musi and throws them out the windows. The lack of reiteratrion (vgm is composed so that it loops, while "real" music is not) and the surprising inclusion of non-thematic, stylistically coherent original material amidst undeveloped inklings of NU's themes (Remember, in a video game, every track is practically it's own theme, while a film score will only have a few themes scattered about in barious forms). The result is that this is without a doubt the most successful remix in acheiving it's own narration. Other remixes try to link images or story to the music but only this remix knows how to do that. Even most VGM orchestral albums don't do this (not that it's a bad thing) with the exception of FF6 grand finale (although the orchestrated version of Aeris' theme managed to be narrative, despite a complete lack of the aforementioned "original" melody that frees a piece of music out of it's videogame asthetics)

    The end of Robon's piece, at least to me, clearly narrates the meeting of Coud and Aeris after the bombing mission (or at least the aftermath among the rubble prior to their meeting) in which the lifestream theme (heard among the opening ambience that is associated with Aeris' face) is hinted at in a subtle minor-key reprise beneath a shroud of mesmerizing original composition, which blends seamlessly with the source material. I have meditated on such a style of ff7 remix but hadn't the talent to pull it off. Russell says that the music after 4:15 seems to die, but I think that it is the music after 4:15 that makes the piece such a revolutionary remix. I hope that it continues in this direction, and as a narrative remix, continues through the various themes at this pace, telling a significant chunk of ff7's story (Which like I said before, would need at least a dozen parts) not like this will happen, but I can dream.

  5. This is one of my favorite OC remixes ever (my other favs include "Terra in black", Prozax's Rainbow Road, and "Funky pills") I can't believe that there aren't more people adoring it. It's original. it's creative, it's respectful, it's not electronic, it's clean, it's smooth, it's rich, it's laid back, it's gentle, it expands upon the original... I could go on and on. I love Klutz's work, and I hope he does more songs that I know (like this one). And the chords are creative. People bitch about the so called "wrong chord" in the beginning, but I think it's jazzy and adds character.

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