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Everything posted by Pencildragon

  1. Hello, I have been a fan of OCReMix for a while now and I absolutely love the variety of genres of the mixes on here and the number of games that are represented. However, there are very few mixes from one of my favorite games ever, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. In particular I enjoy two tracks from the game: King and Country - http://youtu.be/xub0vRpTSJQ March of the Marauders - http://youtu.be/MXDm33kvpWo If anybody feels like doing mixes of these songs or even remixing them together into one, I would be ecstatic! However, if there are any other tracks from Oblivion that you feel should be remixed and haven't made it onto the site yet, I'd love to hear just about anything from this game that isn't the main theme, while I like it it is over-done in my opinion. In terms of style or genre, it doesn't really matter, I want to hear anything you guys can come up with I've never requested a remix before, so I hope I followed all the guidelines right and thank you in advance for hopefully giving me more of the amazing music I've heard on this site!
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