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Posts posted by Octagon

  1. I honestly think this aged pretty well. The arrangement does a good job of emphasizing the dynamics of the source material, adds some nice rhythmic stuff (I love how the bass goes in and out) and the intro/outro and transitions between tracks are good.

    The samples are tinny, but their style is well-chosen, and I like the reverb too.

  2. I can't get enough of this.

    The steady syncopated beat and the leads morphing in and out convey the image of someone frantically blazing through a structure, navigating complex passages and staying in motion, facing opposition confidently but bracing for a greater threat. Very fitting for a Doom game.

    At the same time, the soft synths and recurring patterns make it a comfortable listen.

  3. Incredible. This feels like a sister remix to "Green Amnesia" - excellent tunes for melancholy night driving.

    The echoing texture is just beautiful, reminiscent of the non-nightmarish parts of the forest music in Xenogears, and also CotMM's works.

    Strangely enough, I expected a bit of "Higher Than Can Be Carried By Wings" from Wild Arms 3 at about 1:48

  4. The poor little brass sample sounds like it's just not cut out for the job and severely clashes with the awe-inspring rest, but for me, that effect actually adds something. The rest stays incredibly solemn, maybe even spiritual, while you can clearly tell that that goofy bleat is doing its best, and it actually manages to get closer to the other elements towards the end.

    It's probably not even meant to be humorous, but I'm amazed by the uniqueness of a comedic element fitting into a very serious track without diminishing either aspect (the closest things I can think of would probably be some Earthbound mixes and Mak Eightman's Skull-Head).

    I just listened to this for the first time and I can tell that it's going to be a favourite.

  5. I'm impressed by this track never losing its momentum or feeling stale even though the the main melody and beat hardly change. This sounds like a "Black Wing Metamorphosis"-tier mega-collab - if I were to guess who made this track, my answer would be something like "Danny Baranowsky, Benjamin Briggs, Phonetic Hero, DaMonz, Trainbeat" (and a collab between you and any of these people would turn out amazing). Good stuff.

  6. The amazing intro gave me a great thirst for piano DnB, but without the rest sating it. The techno/trance section is still very solid, though I wish there was more of a change/variation/buildup in effects and melody layers (but I guess I'm just spoiled by stuff like more recent bliNd tracks in that regard).

  7. It's always nice to see more Touhou on this site.

    I love how pushing this interpretation starts out (and the little "respite" sections, e. g. before the Nuclear Fusion part), though some of the "pressure" was lost in parts that seemed like they were meant to maintain it. I I don't like the synths much, particularly the strings (but maybe it's just the volume, and I won't mind them in the mastered version!?) and some ?harpsichord? notes semeed off, but your guitar playing delivers, and I like the variations you took with the melody.

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