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Posts posted by Dr_Fruitcake

  1. Believe it or not, the Hag 1 in Banjo-Tooie was pretty tough. :P I definitely gotta hand it to Rare for their creativity -- a bear and a bird, facing off against a giant, mobile drilling machine with several built-in laser cannons and two missile launchers, and two monsters in the trunk guarding the main battery. Oh, and a crazed witch driving the thing, who would every once in a while pop open the door, stick her head out, and either fire deadly magic spells at you or ask you random trivia questions about the game. Nice. :P

    It was an extremely tough battle, as least for me, seeing as how the vast majority of it plays out in first-person-shooter view (Banjo using Kazooie as an egg launcher), whereas most of Banjo-Tooie is in 3rd-person (other than the final battle, the 1st-person is only used for a couple of minigames). And since I was never a big FPS fan in the first place, it took a lot of getting used to.

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