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Cephalo the Pod

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Posts posted by Cephalo the Pod

  1. Nice! Undertale on OCRemix! Love this games soundtrack and the plethora of arrangements that have already appeared on Youtube.

    This feels an awful lot like credits music. Real good credits music.

    I hear a lot of "Hopes and Dreams" in here. I know that "SAVE the World" is pretty much just "Hopes and Dreams", but this ReMix includes snippets of "Your Best Friend" which are only found in "Hopes and Dreams". /Pedantry.

  2. Oh wow, a Harmony of Heroes track? Is this the first time the album's been mentioned on OCRemix? Glad for this; I only found about Harmony of a Hunter (and 101% Run) because OCRemix posted a bunch of the tracks, and people really oughta hear about this album (and Final Smash). 


    My favourite part of Dark Horizons has got to be from 4:08 to 4:38, where "Dark World" is playing again, it gets all triumphant, and then suddenly whips to a "Hyrule Castle" cameo.

  3. Kinda wish that Track 3000 and Album 50 were both released on the site's 15th birthday. That would have burst some heads for sure.

    First OCReMix I ever heard was KRool Intentions by Protricity. I found it on Youtube years after its posting (I think...2008? 2007?). Then I found Simian Symphony. Black Wing Metamorphosis. The Passing of the Blue Crown.

    Album 40 got released, Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin. One of the best things I've ever listened too. And now I'm on a mad rampage to hear all of the albums on this site.

    Noticed artists repeatedly appearing on the albums. Brandon Strader. Mazedude. Found their music on the prime site. I found the Shinesparkers and their Harmony series. Theophany has a Majora's Mask album on his own Bandcamp, and it is glorious.

    One way or another, half of my iPhone's music is thanks to OCReMix. Thank you.

  4. This is a lot more sinister than Redg's previous Title mix. Gives it more of a personality.

    I have a question. In the last minute of the Mix, the notes get faster. Is this supposed to be an arrangement of the later part in the Title music, or are the notes from the beginning just being played faster? The melody is just so distorted that I cannot tell.

    Anyway, I could totally picture this playing for a Metroid adaptation trailer. Maybe one of the Primes, because all of the crackling sounds like a geiger counter going off.

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