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Everything posted by AronKramer

  1. Cool I know Zircon from the MAGFEST panel but I didn't know he did orchestral things. :0
  2. Hi people, I'm a starting video game composer currently working on a big project and hopefully soon a few small ones. The thing is, I have a lot of friends who are into music but none who are actually into video game audio. I would love to, especially on SoundCloud, have a bigger group of people who are actively working on video game music themselves. Mainly the reason for this is to get inspired and to get some more feedback. My current soundtrack consists of only orchestral fantasy music, so if you make music like this as well I would love to follow you on SoundCloud and check some of your stuff out. This is my SoundCloud link, in case anyone is interested. I would also especially (but not limited too) like more composers who are starting out to post their SoundCloud links! Peace!
  3. First song of my upcoming instrumental EP! Would love it if you'd check it out! Listen here
  4. I like it! Can't say there's anything wrong with it but maybe the volume level increase at the end of the song is a little too steep? Sounded like it increased just a tad too hard! Other than that, great piece!
  5. Another song I composed for the upcoming indie game Cube Knights. First time I actually incorporated brass instrumentation. It's gonna be a song that plays when visiting a very Hyrule/medieval kind of town. I sincerely hope you guys like it! Link
  6. Please give it a listen here.
  7. Thank you so much! I'm a beginner in video game composition but I've been doing more electronic stuff on and off for a few years. I haven't studied any music and I use Ableton with orchestral sample libraries. I've discovered that I mainly want to focus on orchestral composition so I guess I'm doing that now for about half a year.
  8. Hey guys, Just wanted to let people know I'm composing music for a new indie game (Cube Knights) and because I'm fairly new to it all I would love some feedback on the current tracks I have made for the soundtrack. You can find my songs here. If you're a game designer and if ever you have the need for a composer I would absolutely love to work on anything you have to offer. I like doing songs for role-playing games the most, though. Peace, Aron Kramer
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