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  • Occupation
    Giga Nerd

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    Vocals: Male

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Um... Hi! So as you can see my name is David! And I've loved this place since the day I heard my first OC remix. So now that I have plans to make some Remixes of my own I thought I would not only join the forums, but also wright my first post after a few weeks or so. First off, yes, I do know I'm 13 and going to be 14 in June! But I'm pretty sure that if I make good music you guys will still accept me around here, Right? Anyways. I'm working on the lyrics for my first remix. And to boot, the melodies will be based on video game songs so I thought I should start posting here! So yeah they count as ReMixes, I think. Anyways, it's gonna be called "Shiny Hunter" and it will be a parody of "Vampire Killer" from the Castlevania games, the song will be about the task of "hunting" Shiny Pokémon (Google it you must) in the game "Pokémon Platinum" with the item called "Pokéradar". So that should be fun. And if you've tried to do that in Platinum you know how hard it is. Anyways, I don't have much more to say. So, bye.
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