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Posts posted by mikeHEARTu

  1. I tend to listen to things by ear and transcribe material myself when possible. For me, it's a fun skill to develop but that's obviously not everyone's cup of tea. Usually, I'll load the song into my DAW and also a very plain synth then play along if I need to make absolutely sure I'm hearing what I think I'm hearing.

    To that point, I find that my tools help alot with this process. I use Reaper and there is a global speed control that's independant of the project tempo so if I need to slow a song down to hear it better, that's useful. I don't know what DAW you use but there might be a similar feature.

    I also transcribe rock and metal songs and load them into Guitar Pro which currently has a similar feature with the added benefit of being able to go note by note if need be.


  2. What's the lower limit for something to post as a work in progress haha? This is literally just 30 seconds but I like it a lot and like anything else I've ever posted here, I have no idea what to actually do from here. It's cool though, I promise!

    Some of this was mostly from just wanting to try my awful choir and orchestra and blend it with the rest of a metal ensemble. My friend had me try to break down an anime opening and they practically had a guitar on one side and the orchestra on the other side which I kind of like. It might be kind of drastic for something like this but I'll take another shot at it later when it's not super late/early and I don't know what hearing is.


  3. Hello! Today, I've got a definitely relevant and hip, new song for a hip, new game, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. I don't know what happened but I woke up and started humming the melody and sat down afterwards and hammered this out. Unfortunately, like other one-shots I do, I have no idea where I want this to go. The original song repeats the melody four times or something then fades out so that's kind of all I did. I'm unsure right now but I like this a lot!


    My thing:


  4. Whoa okay, more metal.

    Like with other stuff, I tried to take the melody of the song and kind of do my own spin on it. I think the Bolero of Fire is much stronger on it's own compared to the other stuff I did but I still just kind of took the melody and some of the vibe. I get that it's super different and not JUST a cover so that might throw some people off but sorry D:. For what it's worth, I do love the song as it is but I think tossing things around a bit is a lot of fun!

    Let me know what you think!


  5. I love what you did with the source material, but everything else feels like a separate track. I would work on tying your original work with the source material better sonically.

    I'd avoid the hard pan left in the beginning, or at least fade it in.

    What is your guitar recording setup?

    Thanks so much for the feedback! As this is some of my first real attempts at doing this I'm not really sure how to really blend the two OR expand upon the original theme into more of the song. It's the real challenge in doing something like this, I'm learning.

    My recording setup is pretty simple. I'm using Gibson SG into a slightly older POD HD 500 straight into my computer via USB.

  6. I'm kind of working on a lot of stuff. This is at a point where I think I like it enough and I'm going to stick with it BUT I'd love some feedback on it!


    If I had to say anything about it, I'd say that is strays a bit too far from the original song. As with my Lost Woods cover though, I don't want to just play the song. I'd like to put my own flavor into it.

    Also, if it feels weirdly timed, the song went from something like 3/4 to 4/4 here.

    Anyway, tell me what you think! I'd love some thoughts on it :D

  7. It's been a super long time since I've updated this whoops. I've finally found the time and space to update this track and try and turn it into something cool. Here you go!

    It's missing a guitar solo after the second "chorus" and maybe something towards the end but this is my general idea!


    I still don't want to follow the exact way the song is so this is kind of where I ended up. I think the second "verse" has most of my personality in it so if anything, I'd like to stay exactly the way it is. Also, finding some kind of "chorus" was difficult.

    I mention this on soundcloud but this is one track where I sat back and listened and really had a hard time telling if I liked where it was going or where I was going with it. I've lost the sense of the original song, I think, and I don't know if that's good or bad.

    Same as always, any feedback is much appreciated.

  8. Hi! I'm a first time poster here but I would really like some feedback on where to go and what to do with this.


    I'm not really sure where I'd like to go after this but I like what's here so far. Generally speaking, I don't want to follow the way the music originally the entire way through. I'd like it to seem more like something I would normally write infused with Zelda.

    Any feedback would be super appreciated :D Thanks so much!

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