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Everything posted by TheFrozenOne

  1. Okay, so first things first... Yes, this is my first post, but I swear I'm not just trolling to try to drum up support for my project. I mean, I AM trying to drum up support, but I've been meaning to join the community for a while. This just pushed me over the edge. Anyway, the project. We've called it "A.V.", and the basic idea is that you can only see in the world by producing sound. To play off of that, we've built it around a musical theme and we're hooking the whole world up to tie into the underlying rhythm. In a way, it's more of a sensory experience than a game, though we are ultimately trying to make it a fully-structured game. We've still got a ways to go, so keep that in mind if you take a look at it. Here's the actual Kickstarter page. The project's also up on Greenlight.
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