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Everything posted by Savino

  1. Alright, here's a more polished final version on my soundcloud. I took out the awkward sounding noise gate on the violin, turned off some compression on the piano, and took some of your advice on EQing. Let me know if y'all have lingering thoughts. Link to new version.
  2. Still looking for a bit of feedback on EQing, reverb, etc...
  3. Wow, thanks for all the feedback. Yeah, I definitely was worried about the nasally sound, but ended up way overdoing it. I re-EQ'd the violin and just compressed the very high end a bit. I also centered both instruments and just made the piano a bit wider. I added a bit of different reverb to the piano, but I'm not sure how much I like it. Here's the new version. Let me know what you think, and thanks for the praise!
  4. I reharmonized the main theme from Chrono Trigger and recorded a version with my friend who plays electric violin. Haven't recorded electric violin, so I'm looking for tips there. I'm also wondering how y'all feel about the EQing. Let me know. Link to my version.
  5. Woops, forgot to post the original.
  6. Here's my cover of the Title Theme from Fallout 3. A bit less militaristic and plenty of jazz reharmonization. Here's the link to the Soundcloud.
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