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  1. Hello everyone, thank you very much for inviting me to your group. I'm Azure Nova, a gamer and music enthusiast. I'm a gamer on my friend's channel, The Purity Sinners, and i run a page on youtube dedicated entirely to video game sound tracks and remixes. If you'd like, please feel free to subscribe. www.youtube.com/omegamaxter I upload a new sound track every month, one track a day until i'm out of songs, then after that I upload remixes sent to me. If you'd like your remix featured, please email me either with the song or a link to the song: sin_nova@yahoo.com Thank you all for accepting me, and hopefully i can make some great friends here --Azure Nova Here's the first video of my latest OST uploaded; The Witch and The Hundred Knight http://youtu.be/4hWolBVxOyo
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